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I'm apologizing in advance if anyone's eyes well up after reading this..
I'll just say one thing that have some patients and faith on me..
I'll make everything correct when the right time will come..

Happy reading...


Next day..

"So.. Miss best friend just get ready to be the girl friend.." Dhruv said looking at his phone's wallpaper which had his and Hemal's pic..
Then he glanced at the just bought solitaire and ignited the engine to deliver the solitaire to it's true owner..
He was on cloud nine..
Whole day he was just smiling like some love sick teenager..
His employees didn't know that reason behind their boss's weird behavior.. But still they were happy seeing him happy..
"Oh God..!! I think I'll die out of excitement.." he chipped to himself when he halt the car in the traffic signal..
He was excited.. uber excited, happy, nervous and ever a bit freaked out..
But he wasn't afraid at all..
He wasn't afraid of Hemal's reaction..
He was sure that his Hemal would not reject his proposal..
But if in any case she did reject him, then even he was sure that she wouldn't leave him or break their friendship..
It would be fine with him if Hemal want to continue their friendship only..
The name of the relationship never mattered for them..
All mattered was their togetherness, be it as a couple or as besties..
The whole way from the jewellery shop to their apartment Dhruv kept doing 'trail and error' with every possible reaction and expression Hemal could give when he would propose her...

"Her car is here.. That means she is at home.." he said to himself when he reached their private garage and saw her car already parked there..
He hurriedly turned off the engine and ran towards the elevator to reach his desired floor..
"OK.. It's time.." he mumbled and exhaled deeply and then press the door bell..
He waited for a few seconds impatiently but his wait seemed like never ending as there was no response from inside..
Dhruv pressed the door bell again but still there was no response..
"She must be in washroom.." he said to himself and took out the spear key from his trousers pocket to unlock the door..
The moment he stepped inside some weird feeling engulfed him..
His intuition was alarming him that something wasn't right..
Their was a unknown tension in the air..
But Dhruv couldn't figure out what the matter was..
So he thought to meet Hemal first..
He had a unbreakable blind faith on her that nothing bad could happen if Hemal was with him..
"Hemal.." he called her out entering into their bedroom..
But it was totally vacant..
He went near the washroom and knocked on the door..
"Hemal.. Are you there??" getting no reply he tried to open the door and found that the door wasn't locked..
He knew Hemal wasn't inside.. Still for eye satisfaction he went inside only to find it empty..

The whole apartment was in a clutch of grave silence..
He could hear his own heartbeat which was increasing with each passing second..
Something inside him was continuously notifying him that his worst of worst nightmare had turned into a harsh, ruthless reality...
But he kept fighting with all the negative thoughts..
His faith in Hemal was still breathing inside his heart..
Dhruv dragged his quivering legs out of their bedroom and started searching her in whole apartment..
But finding each inch of the apartment empty, his faith collapsed like some sand castle..
Suddenly Dhruv felt the air around him got thickened..
He couldn't breathe properly..
He fell on the hard floor hurting his knees and let out a muffled cry.. "Where are you, Hemal??"
But unfortunately there was no one to answer him..
He fished out his phone from his pocket and dialed her number with shaky hands..
But even in this field he got only disappointment as he heard the mechanical voice saying 'the number is currently unavailable' from the other side each time he called..
He was helpless.. He couldn't do anything..
He screamed pulling the root of his hair as the stinging pain inside his heart was because unbearable..
Then suddenly something struck him and he got up up abruptly..
He rushed towards their bedroom and rooted at his place once he was inside...
Hemal's fragrance was still lingering in the room.. And the mere scent of her had the capability to calm Dhruv down..
He took a lung full of air and closed his eyes trying to feel her presence before he neared the closet..
Mustering his much needed courage he slowly opened the door of the closet.. only to find it deserted..
He gulped a painful lump but didn't reacted much..
Or you can say he was too shuttered to give any kinda reaction..
And somewhere he was expecting that only..
He closed the door of the closet properly and went to Hemal's side of the bed taking baby steps..
He sat there and took her pillow on his lap..
He was about to bury his face in her pillow when his eyes fell on a piece of paper which was underneath the pillow...
He took it and realized that it was a letter of Hemal..

Hey Dhruv..
I know you are mad at me right now and will hate me forever for this..
But I can't help it, Dhruv..
I can't stay with you anymore.. I know you love me dearly.. But it's not enough..
So I'm going with someone who will give our relationship a name which you can never give..
You are a sweetheart, Dhruv..
You are everything a girl can ever ask for..
You gave me everything.. But it's me who isn't satisfied with all this..
Please don't blame yourself for my departure..
I'm leaving you because I'm greedy.. 
I really wanted to see you before leaving.. But I don't have the guts to do it..
I promised to stay with you forever.. But I'm breaking my promise today..
I'll never come in front of you.. I don't think my guilt will ever let me do that..
Please don't cry for me.. I don't deserve it..
Just forget me, Dhruv.. Just forget that you know someone called Hemal..
Be happy.. You know you have a heart melting smile..
Never let your smile to fade away because of any traitor..
Oh..!! And if possible then get a nice girl who will understand you and accept you the way you are..
Good luck..

Good bye..

- Hemal 

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