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Hey lovelies..
I know I told you all that I'll start updating it in January, 2k19..
But today is a very special day for me.. And I can't resist myself from writing all my ongoing stories..

2 years ago on this day (28th November) I published my very first story..
I was so nervous that day..
I never thought at that time that I'll get these much support and love from you all..

You are the bestest reader one can get..
I'm thankful to each one of you..
Nothing would have possible without you supporting me and my babies..

Thank you so much guys..
I love you a lot..
It's been an amazing journey.. And I'm looking forward to make some new good stuff for you all..

But for now enjoy this chapter..
Hope you'll like it..

Happy Reading..


"Dhruv liste.." she tried to say something but Dhruv showed her his palm with gritted teeth and she gulped down her rest of the sentence..
"I never thought you can stoop so low..
How can you cheat someone just like that??
You're in a fucking relationship yet you slept with me.." he made a disgusting face..
"It's not like what you are thinking, Dhruv..
It's just a misunderstanding.." Hemal made a futile attempt to make him listen to her..
"Oh!! Just shut up..
I'm not misunderstanding.. I misunderstood things till now..
Actually today I understand what you really are..
You are nothing but a sex obsessed girl.." Dhruv yelled amidst his tears..
His words were wounding her already weak heart like the sharpest draggers..
His allegations were unbearable for her.. Still she didn't gave up and tried to make him understand things..
"Dhruv, please.. Just listen to me once..
Please.." she approached him hurriedly and touched his shoulder tentatively only to get her hand jerked away by a seething Dhruv..
"What is left for me to listen, huu??
Haven't you broken me and my trust enough??" Dhruv shook her vigorously grabbing her by her forearms..
"Please, Dhruv.." she pleaded painfully..
"What please?? You want me to fuck you again??
That's what you want, right??
Isn't your boyfriend satisfying you on bed??
Don't tell me you asked me to come here in Seattle just to satisfy the hunger of your body.." Dhruv muttered bitterly..

His rage filled red eyes were making her soul tremble..
Hemal shuddered and gulped seeing him like that.. She was too scared to construct a meaningful sentence..
She opened her mouth and closed it on the next second not knowing how to tell him the truth which she was hiding from him since the moment she thought of leaving him five years ago..
"What happened now?? Don't you have some story to justify you nasty deeds..??" he shook her again..
His nails were digging in her soft skin causing her pain, but she was too numb to feel the physical pain at that moment..
"Dhruv, please let me explain for once.." Hemal whispered in a small cracked voice mustering some courage..
"I don't wanna listen any more stories of yours..
Just leave and don't show me your filthy face ever.." leaving her arm, he chipped painfully and turned his back to her..
"No, Dhruv, please listen to me.. I can explain.." her teary eyes got widened hearing him..
She held his shoulder with her shivering hand and tried to make him face her which added fuel to his rage..
"Didn't you hear me.. I SAID LEAVE.." he shouted at her and pushed her harshly turning to her..
The force of his push was so high that it caused Hemal to lost her balance and she fell banging her forehead with the corner of nearby table..
"Ahhh.." she shrieked in pain as blood started oozing out from the fresh cut of her forehead making Dhruv's eyes popped out both in fear and guilt..
"Hemal.." he called her name in horror sitting beside her partially unconscious blood drenched figure and placed her head on his lap carefully..
"Hemal..Hemal.. Stay with me.. Please keep your eyes open.. You will be fine.." Dhruv said panickingly..
"Dhruv.." she merely whispered his name fighting her best to keep her eyes open.. But in no time her body gave up and she passed out in his arms..

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