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Eren POV

I was shock to see the famous writer, Petra Ral, working in this cafe. Armin told me a lot about her. Especially that he is one of her fans. She already wrote hundreds of books and not even one didn't get popular. We came in and Ms. Zoe close the door. "So your Eren Jeager, I suppose." I nodded rapidly, not looking at her. "So why do you wanted to work here. I heard your mom has gall stones and she's in the hospital. Your family is rich and so why?" She ask.

"I wanted to work here so I can help my mom. I can't just seat around and wait until she come back! I wanna help my mom and dad!" I shouted and anger filled inside me. I looked at them and they were shock on my sudden burst of anger. That's when it struck me that I had shouted. "I am really sorry. I just have some anger issues yet I am still working on it. Sorry!" I bow and silent filled the room.

Minutes later, I heard laughter. I look up and saw Ms. Petra Ral laughing. "Sweety, don't worry that much. I alrrady experience many crazy stuff happening in here." That leave me confused. "W-what kind of crazy stuff? If you don't mind me asking, Ms. Ral." I ask. She smiled sweetly. "I don't mind at all. Well there is a 'worker' here who loves expermenting stuff. Like a coffee added with cream, ice cream added with some fries, meatballs and hotdogs on a spagetti, and more. Thanks to this 'worker', our cafe is extremely popular."

I just laugh but it is true. The reason why I want to work her is because of all the extraordinary foods they serve. "Eventually, this 'worker' likes to see a Titan but Titans already extinct a long time ago so every straw we had has a chibi of a Titan." That reminds me. I always collect this straws when I was a kid. "It was very cute! Well for me." I said it shyly.

"So you like my work huh, cutey?~" Ms. Hanji Zoe ask me sweetly. I smile with amusement. "Yes! I collect them since I was a kid!" I told here that made her smile widely. "It feels good that someone in my life appriciate my work!" She said that made Ms. Petra Ral face palm herself. "Well we kind of needed someone to clean the cafe, so can you be a janitor?" She ask that made me shock.

Well guess I have no choice. I thought in my head. I nodded and give her a sweet smile. "Then I'll help him." Ms. Zoe said as she open the door. Before I could get out someone shouted. "MS. RAL, SOMEONE'S LOOKING FOR YOU!!" I look at her and saw her smile sweeter then a while ago. "LET HIM IN!" She shouted. I didn't move an inch and stayed there; curious on who's looking for her.

A guy shorter than me came in. He has an undercut that looks fit on him. Like the kid whom I met before but unlike him, he's taller than me that time. "Sweetheart! Taking a stop by to see me?~" she said playfully that made the guy 'tch'. "We should go now." A whisper from my ear at my back. I look at the one who whisper and nodded. "Excuse us."

She said to Ms. Ral and walk out of the room. Before I could even follow her, she stop me. "Eren. Before you leave, someone drop a letter for you. Here." I come closer to her and get the letter while saying thank you. I look at the guy with the undercut and shivers came down my spine thanks to his cold small silver pupils in his eyes.

I brake the eye-contact and went out of the room; closing the door. I went to Hanji and ask where the employees. After she pointed it out, I thank an walk straight there.

Levi POV

The kid walk out of the room and closed the door. "The room is filthy." She pouted that look ugly on her. (No offense for the others who likes Petra.) "Fine, I'll clean it again." She said looking defeated but then smirk. "But in return you have to kiss me on the lips.~" she said seductively.

I kiss her lips for the sake of cleanliness. She smile and get up to get them broom. "Hey..."

"Yes, sweetheart?~" I mentally curse. "Who's the kid?" I ask without showing any hint of interest. "Oh him? He's the new guy. I told him that he's job will be a janitor."

"Why? You have lack of waiters here." Her eyebrow raise up. "Do you have some interest on him?" I just 'tch' and say that I am worried more about the business than a brat like him. She just laugh that made her loose grip at the broom.

"I really thought you are gay! Hahahaha!" I wait for her to stop laughing. She's really a crazy bitch. "Well I don't want you to focus on anybody except me. He's too cute to be true so maybe anyone fall in love at him. Exposing him at the public is a bad idea especially you. If I did expose him, you'll stop visiting me. Stop loving me. Stop caring me."

She just show a frowning face and that's my que to cuddle and comfort her even if I don't like to. I ask her to be my girlfriend, not because I love her, because of my reputation. So those fucking fangirls will stop clinging on me. All I care is that girl I met 14 years ago. She's fucking cute but a cry baby. Still, those eyes project in my mind over and over again.

Will I ever meet her again?

Sorry for the grammars and spelling! *bowing rapidly and repeatedly*

Forgive me for the short story!

(1000 words all in all. Not including this open and close parenthesis thingy.)

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