This is the worst day.....Or so I thought

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Eren's Pov

It was math class and the Professor was giving out our test papers. I'm sure I'll get a high score. I re-check everything. I thought when he called my name. I went to him and get my paper. When I looked at it, and I was shocked because I recieved an E. "Um...sir? Why is my score an E?" I asked as politly as I can be. "Your now working with Mr. Smith right? You really deserve an E. Don't make me change my mind and make it F." He explained that pisses me off.

(I know that's unreasonable but I experienced a teacher liked that. Her idol went to our school that day. Her idol and I had some bonding time after she came. When we're taking a test, she gave me a low score just for that. Nonsense, huh?)

He was just fucking jealous for me having to work with him. I went back to my sit and wait until the bell rings for lunch.

Lunch came and random people ask me "What does Mr. Smith looks like in person?" A girl asked. "Just like how you see them in TV." I answered. A boy went to me and asked, "Did you ACTUALLY met him?" I nodded to his question. "Why does he have so large eyebrows?" Another girl asked. I was surrounded with students asking and asking and asking until someone pull me out of the crowd.

"Come on, Eren." Armin and I run as fast as we could to get to the cafeteria. We seat at where jean was sitting with 3 trays. "We've thought that you'll get in trouble so we decided to buy some food for you." He told me as we started eating. "Hey Armin." Jean called that caught our attention. "Do you know why he was chosen?" He asked.

He shrugs as I ask why. "For a cute face of yours, anyone who walks to you will really fuck you. I bet Mr. Smith did it first. Hahahahahaha."

"Shut the fuck up, horse face." I warned him but he keeps bad mouthing Mr. Smith and the other cast of the show. When I have enough, I punch right in the face. He returns it with a punch in the stomach. We fought like there's no tomorrow while Armin tries to stop us. Me and Jean have cuts and bruises in almost our whole body. I tried position myself; ready to kick him in the face when a teacher came in.

Jean and I were sent to the principal's office. As we entered, we saw a woman with green eyes and long, red-brown hair looking at us like she wasn't suprise. Well she isn't. Me and Jean are often came here because of fights. "Please seat down on the provided chairs." She started as I closed the door and seat on the vacant chair of her left; facing Jean the horseface.

"So who exactly started the fight?" She asked. We pointed and glared to each other. "Ms. Isabel, he keeps bad mouthing my friend Armin Arlet. So I got to do something." Jean told her with a sad impresion. "HE'S LYING! HE'S THE ONE WHO KEEPS BAD MOUTHING SIR SM-" I tried to defend myself but she cuts me off. "There's nothing to lie around here Mr. Jeager. You bad mouthed Mr. Arlet and hurt Mr. Kirstein." I wasn't able to speak after that. Fuck that horseface. Why did I even became friends with him? I thought.

"Mr. Kirstein, you maybe protected Mr. Arlet but that doings of yours isn't appropriate." She explained. "I have decided. Mr. Kirstein will have a half of an hour of detention and for Mr. Jeager..." I look at her with worry. "...You'll have a 1 hour and 30 minutes to stay inside the detension room. You two must go there after school's over. Now you two may go." She said that made me shock. But I can't do anything about that so I shut up and walk to back to my next class.

When shcool's over, I went to the detention room. I open the door and inside the room, there's only two of us. "Come in, Mr. Jeager." A teacher told him and he followed. I sit on one of the chairs that are far from that horseface. The teacher locked the door and waited of half an hour to finish.

It's been 1hr and a half and I'm still in the detetion room. "Stay here, Mr. Jeager. I need to go somewhere." He went outside and I heard he lock the door from the outside. 2hrs and 15mins. have past and his not yet back. The door knob key hole was facing inside the room and he brought the keys. 3hrs have past and he finally came. He opened the door and let me go out of the detention room.

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