Theory: Obfusco in Season 2?!

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Well I was watching OddTube, in this episode, Olympia was singing about all the agents that work in Odd Squad.
(It was called The O song, I think.)

She included their names in the song. Obfusco was included in the song. Right now you're probably like, "So? Who cares? That doesn't mean he'll be appearing in any episodes anymore."

But notice that in the song, Olive wasn't included, neither was Otto, or Oscar or any characters that were in Season one that aren't in the show anymore.

Notice how Owen, Orchid, and Dr O are season 1 characters and they WERE included in the song. You know why? Because they are in Season 2!

Yeah, you can argue that Dr O left later but remember, she still appeared in Season 2.
So as we can see the song only included Agents that appeared in Season 2.
But Obfusco hasn't appeared in Season 2..... yet so why was he included in the song?
Because this can possibly indicate that he may appear in season 2!

Who knows I'm probably wrong but I honestly like this theory because it has evidence.

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