The agents have superpowers

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I won't call this a theory since I think its obvious that the Odd Squad agents have powers. But some of them will be what I think their superpowers are.
You should know that not all of the agents will be included.

Ori- Superspeed or teleportation.

Either Ori is super quick to go from one place to another or he teleports to the place.

Orchid- Telekinesis (the ability to move objects with your mind.) 

She obviously has this power, being able to move the puppet theatre with her mind.

Oren-  He can understand animals.

I think he has this power because he was able to understand Olaf and Olaf is a werewolf.

Oriel and Orielle- Telepathy.

They can communicate with their minds and read each others minds as you saw in "Put me in Coach."

Oona- She can disappear.

Remember when she disappeared in the talent show?

Ms O- Super strength.

She can lift up cars, break heavy stuff, and push open doors that weigh 10 tons each. Sounds like super strength to me.

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