It Takes Goo to Make a Feud Go Right/Friends of Odd Squad Spoilers!!!

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Hey, I don't know if you guys have seen these episodes yet but if you haven't and you'd like spoilers well here ya go!!! I saw them yesterday. :)

So in the episode, "It Takes Goo to Make a Feud Go Right," Ms O accidentally invites Goo-related villains that don't get along very well for dinner at the same time and she has Olympia and Otis interview them in order to figure out which foods they like, so the villains don't fight and goo up HQ. They end up finding ways to make foods they both like so they can get along, but each time they do, a new goo villain arrives and they need to find new foods to serve them. At the end, due to being so happy, the villains still goo up HQ, due to exploding in happiness after getting along.

The only thing I wondered while watching the episode was, was where was Goopy Gus? They had Gooey Randall appear but what about Goopy Gus? Hmm..

My episode rate (out of 5 stars): ⭐⭐⭐

In "Friends of Odd Squad," Party Pam, Mr. Fonts, Hopkins and Logan the Ogre are left to be in charge for HQ while Ms O and the agents are away. I liked this episode mostly :), it was pretty nice to see an episode about the adults for a change and not the agents.

My rating: ⭐⭐⭐

My Odd Squad Rants and Theories (Plus Other Things)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora