Odd Squad new episodes spoilers!

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Warning: A LOT of spoilers are on the way.

So the new episodes (Where there's a wolf there's a way/ New Jacket Required) were aired today and I watched them! I was so excited and eager to watch the new episodes. So "Where there's a wolf there's a way includes Olaf, who I knew would be in Season 2 and was actually going to add him in the "Obfusco in season 2?" theory since both were included in the O song Olympia sang that only included characters from season 2 so I thought that if Obfusco and Olaf were mentioned in the song it was because they would be in season 2. But then I decided to not add Olaf since the actor that plays his partner Oren has gotten too old for the show like Oscar (Both have a YouTube channel together if you don't know.) so I thought that maybe Olaf wouldn't be able to be in the show anymore if Oren wasn't in the show but I guess I was wrong, he really DID get to be in season 2! So now let's get to the episodes.

So in "Where there's a wolf there's a way", Coach O calls Olympia and Otis to help stop Olaf (who is a werewolf) from turning into a human again by getting a special potato from Potatoland. He gives them money so they can buy the special training they'll need to get the potato from Potatoland. At the end they give Olaf the potato and he stays werewolf but Coach O is disappointed since he wanted to go to Potatoland with them and Olaf takes them all again and they have fun :D

In "New Jacket Required", Ms O has Otis get a new jacket since his jacket is really ruined and torn up from the back. The new jacket has all sorts of useful things like able to give him wings. They also had to stop Mr. Lightning who has a powerful gadget and they try using the jacket to defeat him but fail a couple of times since they don't know how to use the jacket properly but then Otis makes a force field which blocks the attacks of Mr. Lightning and they defeat him at the end.

Sorry for spoiling most of it for you.

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