My thoughts on these Odd Squad ships

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I will discuss all sorts of ships people have shown interest in and I will give my solid and honest opinion. Don't get upset please I am allowed to express my opinion.

Oscar x Oona

I understand why people ship them. Both are scientists and have a similar personality. But I don't really see them as anything besides friends. I feel like they have more of a sibling relationship honestly....

Ocean x Oona

Now this is something I can see.
I feel like they're pretty obvious. Like that one time Ocean said "I like you." to Oona. Also they are starting to get teamed up more often ever since that one episode where they stopped the monster.

Olive x Otto

I think this one is one of my favorites. They are always there for each other and they care a lot about each other. Olive didn't want to be a Ms O without Otto obviously because they grew a strong friendship :)

Obfusco x Orchid

I can kind of see it. Obfusco is literally the only person Orchid is nice to :) and he doesn't seem to talk as confusing with her.

Olympia x Otis

I find this one a little overrated but I'll force myself to grow into liking this one...

Oscar x Ms O

I think my rant was enough....

Dr. O x Otis

Since they haven't had many moments it's kind off hard to talk about this ship. But I like this ship. Their dancing scene was so cute X)

Ohlm x Orchid

Even though they haven't had many moments yet I ship them so hard already. I feel like it's because both are so confusing and unpredictable XD

Oona x Otis

I can see it a little but I don't really ship it. I prefer her and Ocean. I understand why people ship this though....

Odd Todd x Olive

I love this ship. I think it is possible Olive might've crushed on Odd Todd but got over him. Maybe Odd Todd liked her back but due to her being against oddness he sees her more of an enemy.

Oscar x Olive

I don't know what to say about this one but I like this ship :)

Orchid x Otis

I think this ship is adorable. If I ship this it's because of DoctorForesight and his awesome one shot with them. It's so funny and cute imagining the serious Otis and wild Orchid together.

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