Agent Otis is a dog exposed evidence and analysis

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I would like to analyze and explain why I believe the theory of him being a dog is true. I will also try to answer his mysteries. And yes, I know him being a dog sounds like nothing special since it's a pretty popular one but once you here my theory you'll think in the contrary.

These are the stuff I wanna talk about.

1. His fears and talents "not worth mentioning"

Remember when Olympia asked Otis if he had any other fears besides ducks and he said, "Not worth mentioning"?
My thoughts: Tell me Otis, why are these fears and talents not worth mentioning? Is it because they're pretty ridiculous fears for a human, like fireworks, vacuums,ect?
(I credit Arthur&BusterBFFL for pointing this out. Even though this is her youtube account and not wattpad I just want to let you know who originally came up with this answer.)
And your talents like having a good nose, too dog like to tell your partner?

2. His shyness

All of us that have watched season 2 know that Agent Otis is a quiet "person". But what if it's not shyness? In the episode "Good egg or bad egg" he starts talking more than he usually does and he quietly says "I'm talking too much". Maybe he just avoids talking to avoid acting too dog-like. Or maybe he isn't used to acting like a human.

3. Not going to the academy.

Ms O told Oscar that Otis did not go to the academy. Why didn't he go? Because he's a dog! He couldn't READ the stuff he had to study, he couldn't write the stuff either! Plus he would still be useful since dog's have an excellent sense of smell.

4. Why he never opened his Odd Squad manual.

In the half-versary episode, it shows that he never opened his odd squad manual and gave it to Olympia for a gift. Why didn't he open it? Because dogs CAN'T read!

5. Why he kept changing his mind in the episode "Good egg or bad egg."

Notice how at first he thinks that the egg is bad like Olympia and Ocean but then he thinks it's bad like Ms O.
When Ocean finds out he changes his mind, he says
"I thought you were on my side, dude."
Otis answers
"I did too. I feel so alone right now."
If he changed his mind so much it is because he's actually a dog in a human boy's body.
Dogs are used to making humans happy. He had no idea what to think so he just sided with them to make them happy.

6. His fear of ducks

I thought about this fear of ducks he has and even though this may seem like a strange fear for a dog, I still think he may be a dog.
Maybe he isn't even SCARED of ducks. He justs HATES them. Maybe since he can't BARK at them anymore he just keeps away from them.

7. The whole "I've spoken more words to you than anyone in my entire life" thing.

Remember when Otis told this to Olympia? He could've meant that she's the 1st human he's ever spoken to in HUMAN words.
I would also like to credit Arthur&BusterBFFL for bringing this up. She might've came up with this but I came up with the analysis. Yeah I know he could've meant that she's the person he's talked to the most since he's "shy". But he's only spoke to her for ONE day!! How can he speak to her more than anyone in his life in only ONE day? Even though there are shy people who don't speak so much I'm pretty sure nobody can talk to someone the number of words equivalent to words they spoke their whole life.

8. "I ate a piece of dry toast."
Remember when Otis got interviewed? In the interview he did not know what to say and simply says
"I ate a piece of dry toast this morning (chuckle) nailed it. I'm getting a hang of this."
Getting a hang of what? Of acting like a human? Also you can tell he has no idea what to say. This is because he's not actually a human. It's NOT shyness.

9. Why he yelled "Hey!!" when Olympia kept talking about how she shouldn't have given up.

"It's not what Olive would've done.... or Otto."

"Hey!!" He yells in a loud voice.

"Too loud (softer) Hey."

He yelled because dogs bark when they want to get people's attention. And barks are loud which is something dogs can't control. But now that he's a human he can control his voice volume.

10. Why he dislikes gum.

"If you want to chew something it should be something useful like food." He said to his partner when they talked about gum.

Tell me if I'm wrong but don't dogs love eating?
He probably doesn't like gum because dogs aren't like us, we eat all sorts of artificial shit (excuse my language lol) and when do you see dogs eating candy and stuff like that? But now that he's a human his mind is changing, his taste in food is too.

11. Why he's always eating lunch

According to Olympia he always eats lunch at his desk everyday. Why? Because he doesn't have an owner anymore so he can eat whenever he wants. Also dogs love to eat.

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