Love is Caring

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Summary: Natsu thought of making a day special for both him and Gray. In which the ice mage couldn't agree more.

"Love is when you cook food for the people you care about." - Mira Jane Strauss

Gray was suddenly blinded by the extreme sunlight beaming in his room. He instantly covered his face with those strong arms and realized that it was halfway noon already. Well, the first thing he had to do was tap the other side of the bed and was surprised that Natsu wasn't there. He groaned. Now where did that idiot go, he thought. Could it be that everything's just a dream? Dreams that are made by his broad imagination? He shook his head off, throwing away such pessimistic thoughts. He quickly got up when he was met with a sweet smell of pancakes and coffee wafting about. Now, he wasn't dreaming, was he? There's no one in his apartment besides Natsu since Happy insisted that he will stay at Natsu's house.

Gray walked outside of his room half-naked... again. He entered the kitchen only to find that familiar pink hair standing in front of the stove and probably wearing a pink apron. Hey, wait! When did Natsu get an apron??

"Oi..." Gray started then stifled a yawn. "You're not messin' with my kitchen aren't you?" Natsu looked around only to find Gray staring at him fondly.

"Shouldn't you be saying 'Good Morning, Natsu!' instead of busting me of ruining your kitchen?" Natsu seemed mock-upset about it. He finally faced Gray and the ice mage was shocked when he saw the design of the apron the pinkette was wearing.

"Where the hell did you get that apron?!!" Gray shouted at the top of his lungs which only earned a chuckle from the fire dragon slayer. Yes, the apron has the design of Gray's face doing his signature smirk with a caption in it.

"Oh, this?" Natsu pointed to the apron. "Juvia gave me all her collection of you. Saying that she needs to throw them away in order to move on..." Natsu then turned back to cooking. "But then it crossed her mind to just give it to me since I'll make more use of them."

"Should I thank Juvia for this or get mad at her?" Gray groaned defeatedly, putting one hand on his forehead.

"I suggest you do the first one." Natsu said happily while flipping the pancakes. "Because I like this."

"Ughh... Damn you, Natsu Dragneel..." Gray sighed but settled himself in one of the chairs in the dining table.

"Shouldn't it be Natsu Fullbuster?" Natsu asked innocently while cooking. Gray blushed deeply at this. Natsu really knows how to get inside the ice mage's heart.

"Whatever..." Gray just watched Natsu finish the task. "By the way, Good Morning Mrs. Fullbuster."

"That's what I thought you'd say..." Natsu blushed at the newness of the concept but smiled heartily at his lover.


After breakfast, Gray took Natsu to the Guild for a walk and to look for a decent job for today. Mind you, Gray would now be working for three people aside from himself. Therefore, he needs to find a really, really decent job.

"Oh, Good Morning sweethearts!" Mira greeted the two almost casually. "Shouldn't Natsu be resting now?"

"Oh hi Mira!" Natsu started. "Well, I'll be bored in the apartment so I asked Gray for a walk to the Guild..."

"How sweet of Elsa!" Mira joked which earned a glare from the ice mage.

"Who are you calling Elsa?!" Gray scowled at the transformation mage ever so seriously.

"Ahahahahaha! Elsa?! From the movie Frozen, you mean?" Natsu couldn't help but burst out in laughter as he saw Gray sit on the floor with grudges around him.

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