Love is a Book

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Summary: Operation LoLu continues! With an extra surprise!

"Love is when you read it on a book, and you wish for it to happen in real life!" - Levy McGarden

The next day, Natsu woke up rather early to plan out the event with Mira. Unfortunately, a strong arm was wrapped around his waist. Natsu tried to free from the tight grasp but to no avail. So, being the powerful Dragon Slayer he is, the pinkette smacked the head of one Gray Fullbuster who instantly jolted in surprise and got ready to kick back to the one who disturbed his and Natsu's sleep. However;

"What the hell, Flame Brain?!" Gray snapped at the pinkette while nursing his abused head. Natsu just grinned at him.

"Good morning Ice Princess." Natsu said softly with so much saccharine in his tone, which made Gray blush.

"Y-Yeah. Good morning Flame Babe..." Gray said back, preventing the blush but to no success. "Though I wouldn't like a head smack as a greeting to your soon-to-be husband."

"My bad. But I told you last night that I need to wake up early and meet Mira at the guild." Natsu explained while Gray absorbed the idea.

"Oh I forgot. But that didn't justify enough why you hit me." Gray said.

"Oh. I have this strong arm wrapped around me so tight that I cannot get up. And I have this 'husband' who just can't wake up so I decided to hit him instead. The end." Natsu tried to sound irritated but it was just for added effects. Then Gray felt apologetic and kissed Natsu quickly on the lips.

"Sorry Babe... I'm just tired last night so I slept much." Gray hinted a tone of sadness but Natsu just brushed Gray's abused head with a kiss. Feeling this, Gray was fine now.

"Hell, you do sound tired! Going all the way with me..." Natsu groaned after the statement which made Gray chuckle and kissed him on the forehead.

"Yeah. Sorry Flame Babe... You might want to prepare now or sleep with me for an hour more?" Gray enticed the pinkette with a wink but Natsu wouldn't back down from this.

"I need to prepare now, Ice Block. I'll see you later at the party, I guess?" Natsu sounded like he lost a game of cards with Cana which he obviously knew Gray could not resist.

"I know you Flame Brain... You want to drag me along with that plan of yours." Gray sighed hopelessly as Natsu turned into an oh-so-cute puppy that even the most evil of demons could not look away from the stare.

"C'mon Gray, will you help me?" Natsu pouted cutely which made Gray blush.

"You don't need to do that, idiot! Of course I'll come with you!" Gray snapped at the cute actions his lover was doing.

"Great! So, I'll prepare us some breakfast then we're good to go!" Natsu stood up and smiled at the ice mage. Gray nodded and followed suit.


Meanwhile, Lucy just got up and was preparing for her special day. As she walked to the door to get the daily paper, her mailbox was already crowded with envelopes ranging from plain white to colorfully created ones. She sorted them all out until she can carry them back at her room. She couldn't help the smile forming on her lips as she read them all while sitting on the couch.

The letters were commonly from her guildmates. There were some from Sabertooth and the other guilds. After reading them all, she noticed a rather different kind of letter which was contained in a magic envelope that has the logo of the Celestial Keys. Lucy smiled, thinking that Loke might be the one who initiated writing this letter. However, it was Virgo's handwriting in there with the lines of 'Happy Birthday Princess! Don't punish me...' and Lucy sweatdropped at that. The thought however made her chuckle in remembrance. She was about to close the envelope when a note from inside it fell. She picked it up and tried to read it.

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