Love is Protection

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Summary: Natsu's having a bad day, all of a sudden.

"Love is when you feel protective of the ones you care about." - Elfman Strauss

The next morning came in an almost hasty manner. Gray would always wake up without Natsu by his side. Probably his idiot of boyfriend is in the kitchen brewing something edible. But this time, the ice mage felt a heaviness in his head. He might have been feeling dizzy, but he still forced himself to get up. Gray managed, but his vision was really getting him all unfocused. He tried to shrug off that feeling and walked towards the kitchen and as his intuition was correct, the pinkette was there sitting.

"G'morning Baby..." Gray smiled through the pain in his head. "You're way too early to start breakfast eh?"

"G'morning Ice Block. I just felt like doing it earlier." Natsu shifted in his seat and wince at the lingering pain on his lower back.

"You okay?" Gray felt as if his headache had disappeared for a while and ran towards Natsu.

"Y-Yeah." Natsu still felt the hot white pain. "It's still sore. I might be walking funny the whole week."

The ice mage sighed in relief and chuckled a bit. "Sorry. I must have had it hard again."

"Nah. I've gone through worse." Natsu smiled and kissed his hell of a hot boyfriend.

"I know." and when Gray settled on a chair beside Natsu's, he felt the sharp headache return and winced against it. The pinkette noticed it and suddenly looked at the ice mage with utmost worry.

"Oi, Ice Block, you okay?" and it was Natsu's turn to interrogate.

"Y-Yeah... Probably just woke up the wrong side of the bed." Gray managed a smile. "Don't worry."

"Why wouldn't I? I'm your w- I mean, boyfriend!" Natsu said frantically.

"You almost said 'wife'." Gray chuckled and Natsu sighed.

"That's not the point, dumbass!" Natsu suddenly had the urge to kick some sense out of Gray.

"But I like it. You being my wife... Doing all these girly chores for me."

"Doesn't mean I agreed with the 'Mrs. Fullbuster' thing you can always tease me of being girly!" Natsu snapped at the ice mage.

"Whatever floats your boat, my dear wife." Gray smirked and Natsu blushed to no end.

"Fuck you." the pinkette gritted and munched on his portion of the food.

"No can do. You're still sore." Gray pushed his luck.

"THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEAN!!" Natsu bursted out and really, the urge to kick Gray's ass is still available.

"Hmm. Why is everything reverted today?" Gray wondered with a glint of mischief in his eyes. "From what I can remember, you were purposefully teasing me in front of the people. And now, you're the one who looked like someone who's ready to kill..."

"Y'know what? Forget it!" Natsu stood up and ran through the door, leaving a stunned Gray on the table.

'Maybe the mood swings are kicking in.' Gray thought as he finished the meal. Should he follow Natsu? But his headache seemed to reinforce itself twice more painful than earlier.


The Fairy Tail guild was usually empty at this time. But as Natsu entered it with a promise of fury in his face, he noticed that the other wizards are already there. The pinkette took large strides to the bar and the people are looking at him like they've been hit by lightning. There were murmurs about Natsu's present condition.

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