Love is Iron

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"Love is like iron that becomes more solid as time passes by." - Gajeel Redfox

Sixth Month:

Porlyusica requested for Natsu to have his check-up earlier than the usual schedule. Gray agreed on it, quickly carrying the pinkette to the guild infirmary despite his protests. The trip was surprisingly short, due to Gray's running pace like someone's in a state of emergency or what. Grinning, Natsu just enjoyed the free ride, not minding his motion sickness one bit. So they reached the guild on time without any delay, much to the others' surprise. They made it a point to say that these two idiots were damn serious working out the stage of parenthood. And they were more than glad with that change.

Usually, Wendy did the monthly check-ups, much to the elder medical mage's relief because of less bother of her work. But since a few months were left, Porlyusica took charge but still having the sky dragon mage as her assistant. Levy and Bisca, having learned much about medicine after weeks of intense training from the pink-haired elder, were on the side for some minor assistance if necessary.

Natsu was lying on his back at the infirmary bed. Glancing every now and then to the sides of the room. Gray was requested to go outside and wait at the bar, so the pinkette felt somewhat irritated. But he had to learn that sometimes, he needs to be away from Gray so that they wouldn't end up being fed up with merely each other's presence. Natsu even thought it was impossible, but what about Gray? No one knows either.

"It seems the twin have been getting healthier with just your magic, Natsu." Porlyusica pointed out, holding a record sheet attached to a wooden clipboard.

"I see. But what about me? Is it okay? I might lose some life force..." the pinkette inquired ever so carefully, knowing this is a serious issue.

"Stop thinking beyond your boundaries, stupid child." the elder mage glared at Natsu for how advanced he had become.

"I always do something out of my boundaries, Porlyusica-san. Now, tell me." Natsu couldn't wait anymore. His kids were safe, but him?

"Such devotion." Porlyusica almost tsked at him, but looked at the records for a while then back to Natsu. "Truth is, your vitals are good."

"Whew." a wave of giant relief washed over Natsu's worried expression.

"You were excreting much power than expected when in a battle. But that doesn't even wore you out. I have run tests to confirm these hypotheses but they all come to the conclusion that you were pratically more powerful than before. Your magic container inside your body holds an infinite amount of life force in it." the medical mage explained while Wendy was working on a medicine. Levy and Bisca were taking notes as well.

"But is true that when I get separated from my mate for a long time, the life force worns out?" Natsu asked the question that has been nagging at his mind since the guild anniversary.

"Could be possible. I suggest you don't get too far from him. You can go on missions together while leaving the infants here. That would be fine." Porlyusica added. "I might as well do some research on how your offsprings are doing while growing up."

"That would be great. But I can't always be out... I mean, my kids will definitely need to be breastfed." Natsu smiled a bit.

"Coming from someone who doesn't like to be a woman... Impressive." Porlyusica rolled her eyes on Natsu, which the latter tried to protest but realized that he already said those things.

"Ughh. Never mind. Is that all I need to know?" Natsu fought the urge to cause a ruckus or else Porlyusica's broom will be aimed at his head.

"For now. I'll bring more reports for your seventh month." the medical mage answered. "Oh, and cravings will be back anytime soon. Please prepare."

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