Chapter 3 (edited)

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When I arrive at the cafe, I see Nathan already seated with a book in his hand. He doesn't look up once the whole time I'm walking up to him. "The loneliest moment in someone's life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly," I quote out loud.

"I'm surprised you even know what a book is, much less quote The Great Gatsby," he says with a startled expression on his face after I finally get his attention.

I sit down next to home and shrug my shoulders, "I read occasionally and what's not to love about The Great Gatsby. He threw epic parties."

He lets out a loud laugh and starts putting his book away. I might have just fell a little harder for him; his laughter was soothing and soft like his voice.

"So are you ready to get started?" He asks, breaking me out of my trance.

"Sure. I'm just going to get some coffee real quick," I reply, "would you like something?"

"Oh, no I don't need anything," he starts before I interrupt him.

"I'll just get you a coffee," I say cutting him off, "You do drink coffee, right?"

"I do," he nods his head, realizing I'm not going to take no for an answer, "I like it black with sugar."

I give him a small smile, "Great, I'll be right back!"

I'm standing in line when a figure suddenly gets directly in front of me. "What do you want?" I groan realizing it's one of my bosses men. I think his name is Jaxon or something like that.

"The boss man is looking for you," he grunts, "Says you have work to do."

"Well, you tell the boss man that some of us are busy with there lives outside of work and I will see him when I'm done," I reply snidely, "Now if you'll excuse me I need to order some coffee and study."

He leaves shortly after our wonderful conversation mumbling something about not being a messenger for bratty girls. After getting our drinks and some snacks, I plop blown on the seat across from Nathan  "Let's get started, shall we?"

"Ok, where should we start?" He replies while nodding his head.

"I don't know. You're the teacher here, I'm just your eager student."

"Well, what do you need help in the most?"

"All of it?" I suggest timidly.

He looks at me as if he's almost amused. "You know, for someone who has no clue about geometry you seem sure of me being able to help you get your grade up to an A."

I smirk at his statement. "I'm just that confident in your teaching abilities. Plus I happen to be an excellent student!"

He scoffs at me, "With your attendance record, I would say you're hardly a student."

"Nathan Hawthorne, I wasn't aware that my attendance affected you so much. Don't worry I'll show up to class every day for you from now on."

"It's not like I look for you or anything. Everyone knows your hardly one to show up to class."

I glance at my nails, "What can I say, I have better things to do with my time than listen to some boring lectures."

He glances at me, "Then why the sudden interest in your grades."


"Maybe I want to change my bad girl reputation." I nonchalantly reply.

He stares at me for a while with his beautiful green eyes, "Well let's get started then. We can start with your last test paper."

"Great. Let's make geometry my bitch!" I giddily reply.


Two hours later and I think I'm starting to get the hang of this. Nathan would make an amazing teacher one day. He was so patient helping me learn everything, even though I could tell he wanted to yank his hair out a few times.

We pack up our things and agree that's enough studying for the day. My brain is officially fried from all the information I retained today.

"You know, you're smarter than you make yourself out to be," Nathan suddenly says, "I bet if you actually applied yourself, you wouldn't even need my help."

"You might be right," I reply, "but what would be the fun in that."

"Well, I wouldn't call learning geometry with me in a coffee shop fun, either."

"I don't know about you but I'm enjoying myself just fine," I say, "We should actually hang out more often."

He looks at me apprehensively, "I think we both have different definitions of having fun. Not to be rude, but I don't like to spend my weekends partying."

I feign offended, "I'll have you know that I can have plenty fun without going to a party."

He raises one eyebrow at me, "Really. I find that hard to believe, Olivia."

He speaks my name as if he owns it; owns me. The scary part is, giving the opportunity I would give him all of me in a heartbeat.

I smile at him, "Fine I'll prove it to you. Meet me after school this Friday and I'll show you just how fun I can be."

"Uh," he hesitates for a second before agreeing, "Fine. Don't let me down, Watson."

"I wouldn't dream of it, Hawthorne."

We get pulled out of our staring contest by the ringing of my phone. Ugh great, our moment is ruined. I fish out my phone from my backpack and answer.

"This better be good," I snarl.

I hear a deep chuckle and groan internally, "Now, now Livi. Is that any way to greet your favorite person?"

"I would hardly even call you a person," I growl lowly, "that would mean you would have actual human emotions."

I glance at Nathan and he eyes me curiously.

"Oh baby girl, you know just how to speak to my heart."

Ugh if this man doesn't get to the point, I'm gonna have to chop my own ears off just so I don't have to hear another word come out his mouth.

"How about you tell me what you want, so we can cut this fascinating conversation short."

"Meet me at the spot in 20 minutes," he answers, "and, Livi, don't be late. I won't tolerate tardiness this time."

"Bite me," I spit out menacingly as I hang up the phone

"What was that about?" Nathan inquires.

"Nothing important," I brush off, "I gotta head out. See you tomorrow?"

"Sure," he nods apprehensively, "See you tomorrow."

I walk out the door and head to my next destination. Well duty calls, now let see what this prick wants.

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