Chapter 10

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Who the fuck is knocking at my door!?

I'm awoken by a series of loud knocks at my door. I hate being woken up so the person on the other side of that door better is important.

I trudge to the door and swing it open to find Paul at my door. Crap.

"Surprised?" Paul asks as he pushes past me, "Why have you been ignoring my phone calls, Olivia?"

"I've been busy," I reply.

"Oh, yes one of my men said he saw you at the club last week," he remarks menacingly, "You seemed extremely busy."

"Do you need something, Paul, cause let's face it you didn't come by because you missed me."

"Where have you been? You know to follow up on a job and you never did."

I growled out in anger at the mention of that night I've been trying to erase. "You should have never sent me in the first place!"

He suddenly steps closer to me and lowers his voice. "You're exactly the person I should have sent and we're not done with him yet."

"What do you mean we're not done with him?" I ask angrily, "I'm not going back over there."

"Yes, you are Livi. You're going back over there and avenging my wife!"

Well, this is an unexpected turn of events. "What does Josh have to do with Geneva?"

"Do you really think I sent you to him because I wanted to use you like one of my whores?" He asks, sounding almost hurt. Which would be ridiculous because that would mean he can feel human emotions.

"Yeah, actually I did," I answer honestly, "What am I supposed to think you just sent me out there. No explanation or anything."

"I wouldn't do that. Geneva thought of you as her daughter and the last things she asked me to do was protect you. I try but you're so damn stubborn for your own good."

"So why did you do it?"

"I knew you could handle yourself," he states matter of factly.

"Josh's father and I always had a rivalry with each other. We both wanted to control the whole city but wouldn't budge. There was a lot of bloodshed between our people so we decided to make peace to stop the senseless killings. It worked for a while until people started whispering in his ear telling him I was planning on starting a war."

I remember the stories of Paul's rival and how a lot of good men died. It's unsettling what money and power can do to a person. He's never really talked about the past anymore especially Geneva.

"That night he was going to shoot me but he missed," Paul continued, "and he shot her instead. I watched her die in my arms. So I need you to avenge her. I need you to deliver Josh to me."


To say I was shaken up by my conversation with Paul is an understatement. I was overwhelmed with emotions and I needed to see Nathan. He was slowly becoming my lifeline when I felt like I was drowning. I pull out my phone and text Nathan.

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