Chapter 5 (edited)

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If you must know how I feel about Tuesday's, I hate them almost as much as Monday's. Regardless of my hatred for the weekdays, I crawl my fabulous ass out of bed and get to school on time for once. Look at me being responsible and shit, I think I might actually like this.

Needless to say, the rest of the world is shaken and I might have changed the Earth's axis. No lie. I don't exactly know what caused this sudden change in behavior, maybe I just need a little bit a normalcy right now.

After my first errand, I went straight to Ricky's place to get the money owed to us. The objective was simple; seduce the slimy creep and bam get the money. It was foolproof, or so I thought. I saw the way his beady little eyes were roaming my body the last time I went there so I knew he wanted me. Never would I have imagined him trying to jump out the back window to avoid me as soon as he saw me knocking on his door. It was sad really. I felt bad having to chase him down and pistol whip him but he should have known better than to run. Eventually, I got the money from him and delivered it to Paul at ten. Needless to say, he was pleased and he even paid me more than necessary.

Once I got home I realized I don't want to do this for the rest of my life, I want something stable and normal. It was like a lightbulb in my head and somebody turned on the switch. I was so caught up in my everyday life I never took the time to think about my future. This is my life and I was comfortable with the way things were. Maybe there is a better future for girls like me I just have to work for it.

"Miss Watson, what a pleasant surprise to see you in my class and before the rest of the students," Mr. Matthews addressed while giving me a pointed look, " Is there a reason you're here this early?"

"Yes, I know the apocalypse is here and the world is in flames," I dramatically proclaim, "I'm here before the class because everyone else was swallowed whole by a giant sinkhole!" Amused by my performance, he lets out a small chuckle.

"True story," I maintained, as I take my seat.

As he asks me if I'm ready for my make up test, Nathan walks into the classroom. He looks up at me with a surprised look on his face. Is it really that surprising that I'm here on time? Maybe the apocalypse is here and its all my fault for throwing the world into chaos.

"Oh look, I guess the sinkhole didn't take the whole class," I continue with my theatrics, "It saved my favorite person! Nathan is really the best tutor Mr. M, I'll ace that make up a test with my eyes closed."

They're both looking at me like I grew two heads on my shoulders. I check my shoulders at the possibility of that happening. Mr. M tells me he's happy to hear I have a tutor and gets started with his lesson for the day as the rest of the class trickled in.

"Olvia, are you high," Nathan whispers to me," Do I need to take you to the nurse's office?"

"No, I'm not high," I say defensively, "I was only joking cause everyone's acting like I started the apocalypse."

"Well it is surprising to see you here at this time," he chuckles, "Can you really blame everyone. You really haven't made coming to class a priority."

Of course, I know my reputation isn't the best around this school. Its like it's expected of me to waltz in when I feel like it and not care about my future. I'm not the type to worry about what others think of me but I care about what Nathan thinks. I don't want him to see me as the girl with no future besides the four walls of a jail cell.

"Well I'm going to change that," I determine, "think of me as the newly reformed bad girl."

He looks at me skeptically and then forms a small smile on his face, "Then I guess your gonna need me as your tutor for a little longer."

"I would be honored to have you as my tutor," I happily tell him, "So are we still on for The Coffee Shop today after school?"

He nods, "Of course, we have lots of work to do if you want that A."


"We did it!" I shriek happily, "I got a B and it's all thanks to you!"

I'm hugging the life out of Nathan, and he might be feeling uncomfortable by such close contact, but at this moment I don't care. We have been studying hard this past week and all our hard work has paid off.

"Liv, I can't breathe," he manages to say.

"Oh, sorry," I let him go, "Anyway I know it's not the same thing as an A. Still its a passing grade and its all thanks to you!"

The smile he's giving me is so genuine the butterflies are dancing crazily in my stomach. I thought the little annoying fluttering would subside as I spent time with Nathan but if anything its like they multiplied. I think I have an obsession.

"Don't give me all the credit," he says softly, "You earned it."

"We should celebrate,"I reply, "How about we go get ice cream. My treat."

"He can't," a feminine voice replies from behind us, "We have a date tonight."

Hold up. What!? I did not expect that; it was like a punch to my gut. I never stopped to think that he had a girlfriend and here I am flirting with him all week. The worst part is that he let me! She's so pretty too with her stupid angelic face and bouncy brunette curls. Of course, that's the kind of girl he would go for.

"I'm sorry Liv," he says apologetically, "We can still hang out tomorrow like we planned."

"Um, it's alright," I respond stumbling over my words, "I actually forgot I have to work Friday so I won't be able to make it. I gotta go now."

I forgot about Friday. I'm too embarrassed and I just need to be alone right now. So I walk away without another word and get into my car.

I shouldn't be upset he didn't intentionally try to hurt me but it still doesn't stop the pain I feel. The thrill of being around him was so intense I never realized there was a possibility that he had no interest in me. Then again, why would he? He's better than me in every way.

I get a text from Lacey thirty minutes later telling me to meet her at the mall so we can go dress shopping for the party on Saturday. I reply back letting her know I will be at the food court. After the emotional roller coaster just went through I can go for some greasy food.

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