Chapter 9

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Lost; to have gone astray or lost your way. I'm going in circles and I can't stop. Maybe I can stop but I just don't want to. After all, Nobody sees the spiraling vortex I sucked myself into. I'm just having fun and being Liv. They don't see the pain. No one ever does.

The days are all blurred together into one long day that never ends. The only happiness I find is the bottom of a bottle and in the form of pills. I know what I'm doing is toxic but I just don't care to stop.

I spent another week out of school before I finally decide to come back. To be honest I miss Nathan and I just really need to see him.

As I'm walking into school I'm approached by miss bouncy curls, her good girl smile gone and replaced with malice.

"Olivia, is it?" She inquires, pretending she doesn't know who I am.

"How can I be of service to you," I sneer.

"You could start by staying away from Nathan," she retorts, "He's mine and I don't appreciate you trying to get in between us."

This girl must be a special kind of stupid to approach me. Normally I would have already hit the girl but for Nathan, I keep my composure.

"Look, whatever your name is..."

"Its Alexis," she interrupts.

"Don't care," I reply angrily, "Nathan and I will be friends as long as we want. I will not allow some insecure girl come in between us."

The realization comes to her face that she can't scare me away from him. I guess she assumed the rumors about me were just that; rumors. Most of them are but the one thing everyone got right is how dangerous I am when anyone tries to intimidate me.

"I'm sorry I'm not trying to take away his friends," she says more quietly, "It's just that all he talks about his you. I don't see why he needs to worry about someone like you. He's too good for you."

"You know you walk around acting like your better than me. Let me ask you something are your parents proud of their good little straight A student? Are you their perfect little angel?"

Her face reddens as I speak. Whether it's from anger or embarrassment I don't care.

"You don't know anything about me."

"I know enough. You're not any better than me," I scoff,  "I'm betting given the circumstances you would be just like me. Remember that."

I walk away bumping past her. "Oh and Alexis you should keep an eye out for your man. Someone might snatch him from you." I turn back around laughing as I walk to class.

I know I said I wouldn't get in between them but she should have known than to mess with me. Now it's war.

As I'm walking into Geometry I feel feet underneath me and I'm falling. Why is everyone trying to provoke me today?

The snickers subside as glare at everyone. Brittany is looking away acting innocent but she can't fool me. I'm in front of her ready to pounce, I've been itching for a fight since my encounter with miss high and mighty.

"You stupid bitch!" I shriek. I'm about to give her a new face when arms are wrapped around my waist and pull me out of class.

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