Chapter 8 (edited)

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My sleep is interrupted by a series of phone calls. It's very disturbing when I just want to sleep the day away but I can guess who it is already. He's not going to be very pleased with me.

Two weeks. That's how long it's been since I've been to school. All I want to do is sleep and avoid any human interactions. I know I should answer the numerous calls and texts I've been getting from everybody so they know I'm still alive but at the moment I could care less. I've holed myself inside my home and I don't plan on coming out.

As much as I hate to admit it, that night affected me more than I wanted it to. Normally I'm a tough girl and can bounce back from anything, not even my parents' death affected me this way. But I can't help but feel myself getting depressed, allowing myself to fall further into a pit of despair. Why not, It's not like I'm important to anyone so what if I let myself wither away. Sure I have friends that care about me but if I died they would get over it.

I'm snapped out of my depressive thoughts by frantic knocking at my door. I get up and look through my peephole and am surprised to see it's Nathan on the other side. He's one of the people that have called me and texted numerous times. I open the door and I can tell he's shocked that I actually answered.

"Can I come in?" He asks hesitantly while his eyes are scanning my body. I let him in and walk back over to my couch.

"Olivia, why haven't you been answering my phone calls or texts?" He asks, "You haven't even been to school. Are you sure you're okay?"

"It's not a big deal. It's not like me missing school is a new thing," I scoff.

He is taken aback by my rudeness. I've never acted like this with him and I can see the hurt and concern on his face. He's the last person I want to hurt but I just can't bring myself to care right now.

"Look, I'm just worried about you. Besides I thought you wanted to do better for yourself," he replies softly, "Your best friend Lacey hasn't even heard from you."

"Well, now you know that I'm fine. I just needed some time to myself," I retort, "I also don't need anyone checking up on me. I'll go to school when I'm ready."

I hate the way I'm speaking to him but it's like I can't stop myself from lashing out. He heads for the door to leave before turning around and taking some papers out of his backpack.

"I almost forgot. I managed to get all your school work for you from your teachers. I told them you had the flu and wanted me to get your work for you so you don't fall further behind," he places the papers on my desk by the door,  "Bye Olivia. I hope I see you in school soon."

He leaves and I'm stuck looking stupidly at the door. What just happened? After ignoring him and being so rude to him, he goes out of his way to get my school work. I don't know what I ever did to deserve him but I can't believe I'm just letting him walk away from me after trying so hard to get his attention. It's official I don't deserve him at all. I should just let him go while I still can.


After Nathan's visit earlier this afternoon, I realize I need to get out of this funk. I'm stronger than this, I'm Olivia Jean and I will not let some creep steal my pride.

I call up Pete and see if he knows of any parties happening tonight. He gladly informs me of a few going on and we make plans to meet up at his dorm. I call up Lacey next and she's more than ecstatic to hear from me, thinking I was off somewhere dying.

Lacey comes over to my place and we start getting ready for tonight. I feel antsy with energy and I'm ready to let loose.

"Oh Livi, I'm so glad you're back I was starting to miss my best friend!" She exclaims, "Why weren't you answering my calls or texts. I even came knocking on your door!"

"I was sick with the flu," I lie, not wanting her to know what really happened, "I'm sorry I worried you but I'm in tip top shape now and I'm ready to party."

I turn back to the mirror and start applying my makeup while she goes back to ransacking my closet for some outfits for us tonight. It's amazing how just a few words make everything go back to normal. Twenty minutes later she's back with two dresses for us. She goes for a navy blue bodycon and I decide on wearing the dress for the party I didn't get to attend.

"Oh, Lace I'm sorry I missed the party on Saturday," I groan, "How was it."

"Its ok, Liv I'll forgive you since you were sick," she states, "and it was amazing. You were so right Brandon couldn't keep his eyes off me. His hands too."

"Mission accomplished then, huh."

"Well," she says hesitantly, "Yes and no. He went back to Jessica."

I can see the pain in her eyes and I want nothing more than to take it away. She's an amazing person they some jocky jerk doesn't deserve.

"I'm so sorry babe," I reply, "He wasn't good enough for you though. You are better than that loser in every way."

"I know. I'm over it. He's cute but he was just a fantasy and I realize now that he's a douche."

"So true. But if you want I can still kick his ass."

"See, that's why you're my best friend," she says while laughing, "but he's not worth the trouble. Especially for you. What's done is done and there's nothing left to do but leave it in the past."


ith Lacey's words of wisdom being said we finish getting ready and after much hair curling and making sure we've applied the right amount of makeup, we make our way to Pete's dorm room. It's been so long since I've gotten to hang out with him and I've missed him so much.

"Alright bitches! Let's fuck shit up and party like it's our last day!" Pete shouts out as we leave for the party.

It's so freeing to be out again I don't know why I let myself even get that low. I vow to never let another creep affect my life and I can feel my old self again. I'm happy. I'm smiling and I'm ready to let all my worries go.

"Livi, where have you been?" Questions Pete, "We haven't hung out for nearly three weeks and you haven't been to the shop in two?"

Ugh, why can't everyone just stop with the questions? I just want to forget everything and have a good night. I know everyone is just worried about me so I just plaster on a smile and act as if nothing is wrong. I tell him the same thing I told Lacey and no more questions were asked.

The party was in full swing while the drinks kept pouring. I danced all night without a care in the world and it was amazing. Feeling a little like my old self again, I start grinding on the nearest hot guy I set my eyes on.

He has his hands on my hips and his lips are near my ears. "Hey, baby wanna take this party elsewhere?"

I nod my head and he leads me to the restroom. I'm laughing and giggling and I can barely stand straight. He pulls out a bag of white powdery substance and proceeds to empty it on the counter. While I'm waiting for him to be done I'm leaning back against the door.

"You are a verrry boy," I slur as he hands me a rolled up dollar bill.

" I'm just having some fun sweetheart," he says.

I hand him the dollar back after I inhale the substance. I'm feeling euphoric and I never want this feeling to stop even if it destroys me. 

"Its ok, cause I'm a very bad girl."

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