Chapter 7 (edited)

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I begrudgingly went to the dinner party and it really wasn't so bad. Mainly because It was an open bar so needless to say I was feeling a little tipsy. I tried to be a good girl I really did but I just couldn't control myself.

That morning he sent me a beautiful floor length dark purple dress and some silver heels. It really was gorgeous in every way, it also made me look stunning. Which is why I feel terrible for mutilating that beautiful dress. Although I think it was more my style after I was done with it.

I learned how to sew when I was young, having to patch up holes and tears in my clothes. I was no pro, but I got the job done and I think I outdid myself. My floor-length ballgown was now a short little strapless two-piece. Of course, Josh wasn't too happy about it.

We still went to the dinner, and the shocked look on these pretentious women's faces was priceless. After much mingling, Josh decides it was time we leave which I was grateful for. In hindsight, maybe I should have just stayed at the party or never went at all. After the time spent with him, I could tell he was the type of person gets what he wants.

"Okay, I fulfilled my end of the deal to your satisfaction so if you could take me home now that would be great," I tell him hopefully.

"I believe I have you for a full night, my dear Olivia," he says in a low tone, "And you have been a naughty girl embarrassing me the way you did."

He leans in closer to me and starts nudging my neck sending uncomfortable shivers down my spine. I slap him across his cheek full force but it only makes him come on to me harder. Next thing I know he's on top of me kissing me roughly and trying to shove his tongue down my throat. I part my lips allowing him to gain entrance and I can tell he thinks he's won. Once he shoves his tongue down my throat I clamp down and bite his tongue so hard I can taste his blood. He curses me and slaps me so hard I start seeing stars.

"You stupid bitch. Your gonna pay for that!" He yells angrily.

He's furious now and I spit at his face only angering him further. He starts ripping my dress and I instantly go into panic mode. His hands are roaming my body and I can't believe this is actually happening. I have never been assaulted before but there's no way in hell he's having his way with me. So I do the only thing that comes to mind, I knee him as hard as I can in his balls.

He lets out a loud groan and I use this opportunity to yank his arm and twist it around to the point where I almost break his wrist.

"Don't you EVER put your slimy hands on me! You have the wrong girl and if you ever think about coming after me I will do much worse to you," I say through gritted teeth. I proceed to twist his hand further and snap his wrist then I kick him in the face with my heels. I guess they did come in handy.

I rush out of his car as fast as I can and slam the door shut leaving a bloody and broken Josh inside. I'm stumbling through the parking garage looking for a spot to hide so that nobody sees me in this state. I also don't want him to send someone to find me. I finally find two cars to hide behind and take my phone out of my purse to call someone I need to get out of here.

I call Lacey but she doesn't pick up. I feel like I'm out of options, knowing I can't call Paul for help. If anything he would scold me for treating a valuable customer the way I did. My head is spinning and I feel like the world is caving in on me.

I'm so lost and I can't go walking around downtown with a torn up dress. As I'm scrolling through my contacts I see Nathan's number. I really don't want him to see me like this but he's my only option right now. I call him and relief flows through my body as he picks up on the third ring.

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