Chapter 13

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I've been shot at. I've been beaten black and blue. I've been set up and robbed but I could safely say I've never had my heart ripped to shreds. Until now.

My heart is heavy and I feel sick to my stomach. If love is supposed to hurt like this I don't want it. It's torture to watch the one you love walking around with another girl. The girl he probably deserves.

He said we could be friends but if the past week is any indication of how our friendship will work. I know I lost him.

The girl persistently clung to him like a leech. It took everything I had not to smack that stupid smirk on her perfectly toned toffee colored face. I could have left them alone and let them be a perfectly happy couple but the girl thinks she can taunt me without repercussion. That's where she messed up.

Rule number one don't be a bitch to a bigger and badder bitch. I knew I couldn't do anything to draw attention to myself since I was already walking a thin line with Principal Anderson.

So I may have broken into her locker and moved her books to a better place, or should I say places. She'll find them eventually. Also, while said books were being moved her backpack might have gotten filled with a carton of chocolate milk. Oops. Those papers looked pretty important too.

Yes, the pranks were petty but that was the beauty of it. They were just tiny annoyances to brighten up my day from the big annoyance that is Alexis.

"Liv, why is that girl with her arms wrapped around Nathan staring a hole through your head?" Lacey and I are currently sitting down for lunch and I'm pretty sure Alexis has a pretty good idea of the person responsible for her missing books.

"Who cares," I shrug, "she's irrelevant. You would think she would be satisfied with successfully snatching him away from me. It just goes to show some people will never be happy."

Lacey still looked at me like I'm a kicked puppy. "Oh no, don't give me any of your pity. I'm over it."

"I'm just so sorry he couldn't see that you were clearly the better choice," she says sadly, "It's his loss, Liv."

I love my best friend she has never judged me for my choices no matter how wrong they are. When she found out about my crush on Nathan I thought she would laugh at the thought of me liking a nerd. I was wrong though she has been nothing but supportive of me.

"I'm fine I'm more worried about you, Lace. Are you okay, you look a little pale and you've barely eaten your food."

Lacey has always been a big eater so its a little odd that she's barely touched her food. I've been so caught up in my own drama that I haven't noticed that my best friend has been looking sick lately.

"I think I might have just eaten something bad. I've been vomiting all day," she informs me, "I'll be right back. I need to run to the restroom."

I follow behind her as she runs to the stall and spills whatever content she has in her stomach. I've never seen her this sick and I'm hoping she's okay.

"Lace, maybe we should go see the nurse. I'm worried about you plus it could be contagious." She reluctantly agrees as we make our way to the nurse's office.

After a while, the nurse suggests Lacey call her parents to take her home. "My mom is at work. I'll just walk home. I should be okay."

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