Chapter 4

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{Luke's POV}

I saw that. Calum likes her. Before he turned away, I could see him blushing. Me, being the love master, will set the two up.

"Hey Youstina," I said. "How do you like the last name Hood?" I asked trying not to crack up. I saw Cal look up slightly with worried eyes. Virginia looked at me with a smile trying not to laugh.

"It's ok. Why?" she asked chuckling.

"No reason. Can I have some apple juice and maybe something here for the sick guy," I said pointing at Calum. "Just came down with a serious case of love. Thank you!" I said smiling handing back the menus.

"No problem," she said taking the menus and skating away in confusion.

"What was that all about?" Virginia asked sitting back down.

"Cal and Youstina sittin in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love. Then comes marriage. Then comes a baby in a baby carriage," Luke sanglike a four year old.

"Oh shut up. Shit! She is coming over here! What do I do? What do I say?" he asked shaking with fear.

"Hide under the table. She really likes that!" Virginia said giggling. I think Calum knew she was being sarcastic, but he did it anyway.

"Why is he under the table?" Youstina asked with a confused look.

"Dropped something," he said coming out from under the table with a red face.

"Of course you did."

"Youstina! Your needed at table three. I will cover this one," said a girl with bright red hair who looked to be about 12.

"Hi! I am Alex. I'm sorry we had to switch servers but she is the only server the people at the other table will take and they are very important customers."

"May I ask a question?" Ash asked.

"I believe you just did but you can ask another one."

"Why are you so young?"

"I am the owner's daughter."

"What happened to your hand?"

"My swim coach stabbed me."


"Needless to say he didn't like me very much. He is in jail now."

"Hey I'm not very hungry anymore. I'm going home," Michael announced.

"Can I come?" Virginia asked.

"Sure. Anyone else?"

"Naw," everyone else said so they got in the car.

{Michael's POV}

Virginia and I got into the car to go home.

"What's up with Calum?" Virginia asked me.

"He is in love with Youstina. Speaking of love. What's up with you and Luke?"


"Yes there is. I can see the way you look at each other. There is defiantly a spark between you. And I do know for a fact that Luke might have the hots for you."

"Wait really!!"

"Yeah," he said to me. "Hang on. I wanna stop for chicken."

"K. I'll have chicken fingers with ranch and a medium root beer."

"If you were that hungry why didn't you stay?" he asked looking for a place to eat.

"It was really awkward. I had to get out of there."

"I agree. That is why I was the first to leave."

We pulled into Popeyes and Michael ordered for us.

"2 orders of chicken fingers with ranch, 2 medium root beers, 4 large orders of cajun fries, and 4 strawberry cheesecake pies."

"Is that it?" the guy asked.


"Ok that will be $22.83. Please pull up to the next window." We pulled up and saw some teenager.

"All that food for the two of you?" he asked handing the food over.

"Well look at you working a half ass job in the fast food business for barely minimum wadge," I said staring him in the eye. I saw his nose twitch in anger.

"Later!" I yelled over my shoulder as we pulled away.

"Man that guy was an ass," Michael remarked as we pulled into the driveway.

"I know."

I took the chicken into the living room and turned the TV onto movie mode.

"I'm wanna pick out a movie," Michael whined.

"Ok," I responded laughing. I flopped down on the couch and my eyes found the window. I thought I saw something flash in it, but when I looked back, whatever it was was gone.

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