Chapter 14

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{Michael's POV}

The rest of us jumped into the van and followed the ambulance to the hospital. When we got there we found Luke in the waiting room with his head in his hands and a bandage around his arm. I ran up to him.

"Hey Luke. What did you do to your arm?" I asked him bending down to his head level. As he slowly lifted his head I could see his puffy red eyes.

"I donated blood to save Virginia," he said like it was obvious.

"What?" Calum asked after missing the drama.

"Luke gave blood for Virginia," Michael told him. Everyone was quiet.

"When can we see her?" Alex asked breaking the silence. Luke just shrugged. All of a sudden a nurse came out.

"You can see her now."

--20 minutes later--

{Calum's POV}

I couldn't stop looking at Youstina. She was breathtaking. The way her black hair fell perfectly over her shoulders. And the way her nose scrunched when she was worried. She was perfect. I had to ask her out today.

"Hey Luke," I called jogging to catch up with him.

"Yeah," he responded turning around. Luke had just visited Virginia and felt much better.

"I want to ask Youstina out and since you got Virginia so easily I was wondering if you could give me some tips."

"Well, I don't really know what to tell you, it just sort of happened. I guess it would be easier for you if you knew if she liked you too."

"How do I find that out?"

"I found out through Ash because he and Virginia were really close. It seems like Michael is close to her, so you might want to see what he knows."

{Youstina's POV}

Ashton, Michael, and I were in visiting Virginia. Ash and Gina were talking so I decided to talk to Michael.

"Hey Michael," I said pulling him off to the side.

"What up, You?" he asked using his nickname for me.

"Ok so I have this huge crush on Cal and since you guys are best friends I was wondering if you could find out if he likes me."

"Way ahead of you, You. He made it super obvious. He might as well have a giant flashing sign over his head that says I HAVE A HUGE CRUSH ON YOUSTINA!" Michael said making huge hand gestures by his head. I smiled at this.

"Thanks Mike," I said quickly hugging him.

"You know, You. We should probably leave so others can visit."

"Yeah. Come on," I said as we walked out and went over to see how Luke was doing.

{Calum's POV}

I saw Michael walk out of Virginia's hospital room and decided it was my moment to interrogate him.

"Hey Michael!"

"There seems to be a lot of hay around here," he said amused at his own humor-lacking joke.

"I need to ask you a question. I need you to find out if Youstina likes me."

"Finally, I am way ahead of everyone. She just asked me if you liked her," he said kind of amused.


"Yeah. I think you should ask her out."

"Ok yeah. I'll do that." Right then I was filled with so much confidence that I went to find her. "Youstina!!"


"You wanna go on a date tomorrow?" I asked standing right in front of her.

"Sure," she responded breathless. I was about to say something else when someone called me.

"Calum Hood?" I heard from behind me.

"Yes?" I turned around to see a nurse holding a clipboard looking around the room.

"You must be the father of Virginia Dugan."

"Hood," I corrected her.

"My apologizes. Follow me please."

I got really nervous and glanced at the rest of the group. They all looked confused and just shrugged. I followed, only horrible situations running through my mind.

"We would just like to talk to you about her situation. It is nothing too serious. We got the bullets out, nothing broken. But, her wounds are still healing so she will have to be in a wheelchair for a little bit with her arm in a sling.

"Her legs will heal faster than her arm, and after they are both healed they will be sore so she may or may not be able to walk quiet yet, and she shouldn't lift anything for a while. I also suggest a little physical therapy. But other than that, we will get you her wheelchair and after you are free to take her home," she said handing me a card for the therapist and standing up.

"Thank you," I said standing up and shaking her hand.

"Your welcome. Have a wonderful day."

As I walked out I breathed a deep sigh of relief as I realized that Virginia was gonna be ok. I walked back to everyone else to tell them the news.

When I got there I saw everyone else sitting around and talking about all the bad stuff that could have happened. I decided to give them a little scare. I had my head down and walked back slowly and looked sad.

Youstina walked up to me and asked me what was wrong. I lifted my head and tried to look as glum as I could. When I looked around, everyone seemed worried.

"She's in a coma," I said trying my hardest not to laugh or crack a smile. Everyone just kind of sat there shocked. "There is one more thing. I was kidding."

"I can't believe you would do that!!" Youstina yelled hitting me. Luke walked up to me and punched me really hard in the shoulder.

"Ass," he muttered as he walked away.

"Ok, I deserved that. But what really happened is that her wounds still have to heal so she will be in a wheelchair and after they heal they will be sore and she shouldn't lift anything heavy for a while. Once they get the wheelchair she is free to go.

"So come on. Let's go get her," I said walking with a sort of spring in my step.

We went into the room and they were helping her into her chair. She had the sling around her left arm.

"Hey guys," she greeted us as we walked in the room. Luke walked over and gave her a peck on the lips. I kind of flinched a little. I still have to get used to that, but I couldn't complain because I would be doing the same with Youstina. I decided that is how I would tell Virginia the news.

"NO PDA!" I complained.

"Hey you can't complain. You'll be doing the same with Youstina!" Alex interjected.

"What do you mean?" Virginia asked.

"Cal and You are now dating," Michael said smirking. "Thanks to the matchmaker, i.e. me."

"Ok guys can we shut up now and just go home?" Virginia whined.

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