Chapter 13

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{Virginia's POV}

"So. Big shot singer now are you? Think your so talented I bet," my mom said. The whole venue was quiet.

"Well I know that neither of you have brains, so I'm just gonna explain this to you. I just got a huge round of applause from an entire packed arena. So yes. I would say I'm talented," I said with an irritated smirk.

"Well if your so talented then let's see you get out of this," my dad said. Then both my parents pulled guns from behind their backs. In what seemed like less than a second, they started shooting.

We dived to the ground in order to escape the bullets. The next second the security guards all pulled out guns. By this time the people were either on the ground or running out of the venue. A few brave people we trying to attack them.

Suddenly, the bullets stopped and someone screamed. I looked out and saw that both my parents each had a girl with a knife at their throat and gun at their temple.

"Come out to the alley and no one gets harmed," my father said with sickening smiles on their faces.

"Come alone and face us yourself!" my mother yelled adding on to what my father said. After seeing this I ran back to Luke.

"I have to," I said grabbing Luke's hands.

"No. You and I are in this together."

"No, Luke. They're serious. If I don't show up alone, those girls will die," I said looking him straight in the eye. Luke knew I was serious so he just nodded.

I grabbed a gun from a close security guard and walked out, ignoring Youstina and Alex's pleas for me not to go. I opened the door to get to the back alley where I saw my dreaded parents with the girls.

"I see you came alone," my mother said. My parents looked at each other and shoved the girls to the ground. They ran back into the venue.

"Now, Virginia. I'm going to tell you a little story. It is the worst story I will ever tell in my entire life. It is the story of how you came to be," my father said.

"Save your breath. I already know," I said glaring at him.

"Well there are some things you don't know," he said with a smirk. Now I was curious but I didn't show it on my face. I just scoffed.

"Like what?" I asked my voice dripping with annoyance.

"Now, now. All in good time. Let's start at the very beginning. About 16 years ago we were both criminals escaping the law. I was a rapist and you mother was a kidnapper. We used a combination of our skills to make you. It was the biggest mistake of our lives."

By this point I had rolled my eyes twice and scoffed again. I shifted my weight onto my other foot and raised my eyebrows as he continued.

"So your mother had kidnapped me and I was in a basement. It was perfect for my revenge. I had it all planned out. When she came down I attacked her threw her to the floor and did it.

"When we found out she was pregnant we were beyond mad. So, considering I had gotten her pregnant against her will, I had to stay down there. After a couple weeks the police came and threw her in jail. Upon arrival, she had asked for an abortion. They were reluctant to give it to her, so she acted like a normal mom.

"She said it wasn't her fault she got pregnant and she didn't want that for her baby and a ton of other shit. They agreed. A doctor came in later that day and he said it was too late. She said to give it to her anyway but he said it would most certainly kill her. So like any other normal person she put herself first and just left the rotten thing in there.

"So months you were born in jail. Right after you were born your mother got out on good behavior so they gave you to her. Then she found me to show me the trash we had produced.

"When I saw it I hated it. I wanted to kill it but your mother said no. At first, I thought she had gone soft and grown to care for it but then told me she wanted it to suffer through life." That's as far into the story as he got. Then we heard police sirens.

"No police, Virginia. You'll pay for this," my mother said and they whipped out guns for the second time tonight. Bullets were flying and one hit me in the right calf and on the left shoulder while I was trying to run back into the venue.

As the police took them away. I could hear them screaming, "You'll pay for this! You'll pay for this!"

I turned away from the scene and tried to open the heavy door with one arm. It took a lot of energy, but when I finally got it open I limped back inside to where I saw everyone else. Luke was the first to see me. He shoved through the circle of people and ran to me for a huge hug. I tried to hug him back but hissed in pain. Luke heard it so he pulled out of the hug. I saw his face switch from happy to worried when he saw my wounds. He looked like he wanted to scream, so he did.

Upon hearing that, everyone else ran toward me and all had the same reaction. Michael called an ambulance-which made me wonder why no one had done that before- and they were there in no time. Luke decided to go with me. The last thing I saw was Luke smiling at me and then I blacked out.

{Luke's POV}

I went with Virginia to the hospital. While in the ambulance, they told me she was losing blood fast. I got so worried. I looked at her and I saw she was looking at me, so I smiled. Then she fainted.

When we got to the hospital, she was rushed into a room. They said that she needed blood.

"I'll do it," I spoke up raising my hand. The doctors didn't argue and I was rushed away to be tested to see if I could. After I was cleared to donate, they took a pint of blood. It pleased me to see the blood running up the tube because I knew it was helping the love of my life.

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