Chapter 18

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{Ryan's POV}

I have to admit I was afraid. I wouldn't be able to hold myself together if Michael died. I wonder what he was thinking. He knew I was afraid of death. I wasn't gonna pretend to be a martyr. I didn't want to die but I didn't want Michael to die either. I'm the definition of torn.

As I was debating this, I was pulled out of my thoughts by Virginia's mom's face inches from mine. I don't know why I was shocked to see her. When she plucked the knife on her fingernail, laughed, and walked over to Michael, I knew his fate. I looked at his expression and he knew it too. The only difference was he was ready to accept it.

{Michael's POV}

I was ready. I looked at Ryan and I knew she wasn't. I needed her to be strong. I had to know that she was gonna be ok when I am gone. I knew enough to know that I will be going the same way as Ash and Youstina. I knew she didn't like all that sappy love stuff so I just flashed her a look that said I was sorry. I regretted looking. She looked like a lost puppy. I couldn't stand it so I looked away and scanned the room to look at all the people I had grown to be so close with. In one smooth swish of the axe, they were gone.

{Virginia's POV}

I wasn't stupid enough to think that would die the same way. I knew I would be tortured. I knew it would kill Calum and Luke on the inside. My parents looked at each other and walked over to me.

"You have made our lives miserable. You made your mother carry you in your stomach for nine goddamn months. You put us through hell you selfish little bitch," my dad spat at me.

"You put us through shit loads of paperwork when they found you on the side of the road. But all is well when you are dead. Had you not become friends with all these people they would still have their heads attached to their bodies," my mom said motioning to the basket of severed heads.

I looked around the room. Only Luke, Calum, Alex, and Ryan remained. I thought about how Ash and Michael were gone. How would their families react? Even for Youstina. I never met her family but I knew she was loved by many. I knew my time was ony minutes away. I looked at Luke. He was bracing himself for the pain of his fiancé being killed. So was Calum. I'm his daughter. Probably the only one he will ever have now.

"Well. Let's get this over with so I don't have to look at her anymore," my father said.

"Agreed," my mom said disgusted. They untied me and brought me over to a dark corner of the room. A separate light was turned on and everyone screamed in horror. There was even more torture equipment. There was a place more me to be burned at the stake, stoned, and whipped. This whip was thicker and more intense than the last. As I suspected, I was to be whipped first.

My parents took off my shirt and tied me to the post. As the whip took its first crack, I felt pain surge from my back to all of my body, but nothing could compare to the pain I felt when I heard Luke scream. He struggled against the ropes and tried to move the chair, but it was no use.

I screamed out as each crack meant another shot of pain that screwed up my vision. One of those flashback montages you see in the movies happened.

I thought of Joe the driver, Ash in the window, and the first time I met Cal. I thought of everyone, but my mind lingered on Luke. I thought about the first time I saw him, our first date, and when he proposed.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by my father yanking me up by my hair. I was tied to a post again but this time I was facing everyone. One of the henchmen moved their seats so they all could see me. I wondered what it was this time. I looked next to me and my question was answered. There was a basket of rocks. I was gonna be stoned. Both the henchmen joined in.

Rock after rock after rock was being thrown at me. I knew this wouldn't be the last of it. They stopped but didn't untie me. My dad grabbed a knife and threw it into my stomach. I screamed, but not from the pain.

{Luke's POV}

I couldn't take it anymore. The love of my life was getting tortured and killed by her parents. They whipped her, stoned her, and stabbed her in the stomach. Just when I thought they would simply kill her, they untied her and tied her to, yet again, another post. She was gonna be burned at the stake. I was forced to watch the woman I loved die in the most horrible way and know that there was nothing I could do to stop it.

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