Chapter 8

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{Virginia's POV}

I woke up in Luke's arms with his head in the crook of my neck. I turned around in his grasp and ran my hands through his hair. He just mumbled something and I lightly giggled.

"Luke. Wake up," I said lightly shaking him.

"No," he said turning away from me.

"Come on," I said poking him.

"No," he said burying his face in the pillow.

"Breakfast. Breakfast," I whispered hauntingly in his ear.

"Alright alright. I'm up."

"Yeah!!" I said hugging him.

"Well now that you got it in my head lets go get breakfast."

"Ok." We linked arms and skipped our way to the kitchen.

"What are you two so happy about?" Ash asked smirking.

"And why did you come from the same room?" Calum asked raising an eyebrow.

"I went to her room to see if she wanted to have breakfast with me," Luke said with a totally straight face. Calum looked at me so I nodded.

"Hm." I could see the wheels turning in his head. Not having anything else to believe he turned back to his breakfast.

"Do you want some bacon?" Luke questioned getting it out of the freezer.

"Did I hear bacon?" Michael asked running into the kitchen.

"Yep. So do you want some Virginia?" he asked putting some in the pan.

"No. I hate the stuff," I said gagging. Everyone just turned to me in shock and didn't say anything for awhile. "I'll just have cereal," I said grabbing the one that looked like it had the most sugar and added some milk while talking my seat by Calum.

"So Virginia. Do you want to meet your birth parents?" Calum asked and I chocked on my cereal.

"Not really."

"Why not?" Ash asked. "Don't you want to know where your DNA came from? Who made you?"

"Most people might want to know. But why would I want to meet the people who were supposed to love me more than anything didn't?" I asked grabbing my cereal and marching to my room.

{Luke's POV}

She did have a point. I guess if I was in the foster system my whole life then I would wonder why my parents didn't love me enough to keep me.

"I got it," I said jogging to her room.

"Virginia," I said closing the door lightly. I saw her at her desk on her computer. She looked over at me and I saw her tear stained face. "What's wrong?" I asked running over to her.

"I found out who my parents were. I saw their names on the slip of paper and looked them up," she said showing me to computer screen. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

{Ashton's POV}

I get where she was coming from. After my dad left I felt like he didn't love me.

"Do you even know who they are?" Michael asked sitting down with a heaping plate full of bacon.

"No, but I have their names and can look them up."

"What are we waiting for?" Michael asked going to the computer. "Names?" he asked in an important sounding voice.

"Michelle Rater and Daniel Dugan," I said leaning over his shoulder. He typed them in and the name of a prison showed up. We all looked at each other questioning it. Michael clicked on it and a women and a man's mug shots showed up. There was what looked to be an article underneath it.

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