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{Luke's POV}

She was gone and only her ashes remained. I screamed for the brothers, best friend, and love I lost. I screamed until there was no emotion left to pour out of me. The next thing I knew police busted in. There were so many of them.

SWAT came in first. They took Virginia's parents away and untied us. They were confused by the empty chairs with ropes loose around them. But when they saw the basket of heads, the ashes, and the blood everywhere they nodded to each other and stared at the floor.

We were all lead out in tears. We all had it bad, but I think it was the worst for Calum. He just watched his girlfriend, two bestfriends, and daughter die.

On the ride back to our house the police told us that we were being held in an abandoned warehouse. A passerby heard the screaming and called 911. I checked my phone in the car to discover that #RIP and everyone's name was trending. I put my phone away when we pulled up to the house and we all slept and didn't talk much until a week later on the day of the funeral.

That morning we were all getting ready to go to the funeral. I didn't bother to make it look like I wasn't crying. I got dressed in Virginia's favorite black jeans and jacket. I did my hair the way she liked. I made sure everything was just the way she would have liked it. She always knew what looked best on me.

I looked down to check how I looked, and my eyes landed on the ring. It was the ring I picked out for our wedding. I thought about it and there was no way I could stop the tears. As I was thinking about what could have been, Alex came into my room to tell me it was time to go. She saw what I was looking at and closed the box.

"It's time to go," she said in a small voice giving me a weak smile. She walked away and I was about to follow, but a paper on the ground had caught my eye. It was in Virginia's handwriting. I read it and couldn't believe it.

{Alex's POV}

I stood I front of the mirror flattening my black dress and fixing my black headband, when Luke came down and shoved a paper in his jacket pocket. I wondered what it was but decided not to push it.

Ryan and Cal came down soon after. We were all dressed in what our partner would've liked. Ryan was wearing a black tank top, black skirt that went to right above her knees, black combat boots, with a black leather jacket. Cal wore black jeans, a white shirt, and black jacket with black converse.

Everyone was looking out of the window on the car ride and no one spoke. When we got to the place for the funeral we gave each other understanding looks. It was time to put on a brave face.

{Ryan's POV}

The funeral was lovely. It was almost time for us to speak. I was up first. I walked up, prepared to make my speech. I took a deep breath and started.

"I didn't know Michael, Ashton, Youstina, or Virginia very long but it felt like I've known them my entire life. Ash was like a brother to me. Virginia and Youstina were the sisters I've never had. Michael was one of the sweetest people I've ever met. He was my light in a dark cave, my map when I was lost, and my rock when I was flying around. I remember when I first met him. I kept this a secret but one day I was walking, well, more like running, because I was late for work. I wasn't watching where I was going, I ran into him, and his drink spiled all over my blouse. I asked him what it was and he said it wasn't coffee. I asked him why and he said, "duh it might stunt my growth. I want to be 5'10" like Cindy Crawford." He was the first guy I met who could quote Clueless.

"I offered to buy him a new whatever it was and that blossomed into our first date. No matter how you knew him friend, family, or a brother figure, he touched all our lives, and will be forever missed."

I finished and walked off trying my hardest not to cry. I sat down and Alex got up to start her speech. She walked up and paused at the coffin that had Ashton's name on it, stared at it, and turned away. Like me, she couldn't handle it.

{Alex's POV}

I paused at Ashton's coffin looked at it and turned away. I had to resist the urge to throw myself over it and cry and scream. I took a deep breath and started my speech.

"Ashton was a great person." I said looking at the audience hoping to find my courage when my eyes landed on Ashton's family. They were a wreck. I could see his sister was trying to silence her sobs. I couldn't see his mom's face because it was buried in her hands. The worst of all was his brother. He was crying those horrible silent tears. I slowly nodded at him and he joined me. He stood next to me and I found my courage.

"I remember every day on tour he would call his family at the same time everyday. His brother would always be the last to talk because he would say something funny and Harry and I would get in some stupid conversation about something just as stupid.

"This past week had been hard, Everyone has been so supportive. I knew Ashton well and he would want me to say this. That day in the warehouse he told me to tell his family that he loves them.

"He wanted you all to know how much you meant to him, " I said and walked off with Ash's brother in tow. His family looked pleased at the speech I made.

Next, it was Luke. I knew he would take it the worst. I really hoped he could hold it together. For his sake.

{Luke's POV}

I was the same as everyone else. Not ready for this. Not ready to face her ashes, her family, or people. I walked up anyway.

"I loved Virginia. Even after everything she had been through she was so positive about life. She could always put a smile on your face and was the master of forgiveness.

"You might not know this but we were about to be married," I started to say but had to stop because I was getting that lump in my throat while I tried to hold back tears. This last thing was gonna kill me. "I just found this out myself. When Virginia was killed, it wasn't just her that died. She was pregnant."

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