Don't Let Me Drown

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I could hear a car engine and voices shouting in the distance and I knew exactly where it was coming from, Randy's car...

Earlier that night my best friend Cherry and I decided to catch a movie at the drive-in and she insisted we bring our boyfriends Bob and Randy, I wanted a girls night out because we didn't get many of them anymore and I knew as soon as Randy started drinking at the movie he'd give me hell, as usual. I gave in to her because I knew she'd probably end up bailing on me for Bob anyway.

The night started off completely fine, Bob and Randy met up with some of the other soc boys and left us while me and Cherry sat down near the front where we met some sweet greaser boys called Ponyboy and Johnny, which I hear is hard to find. I'm pretty unfamiliar with the greasers because I've only been living in Tulsa for around 2 years and have never had a reason to interact with any, I really don't see the problem with them, but Randy has tried to persuade me otherwise.

As the night went on, Cherry and I kept laughing and chatting with Ponyboy and Johnny until the movie ended. Bob, Randy and the rest of their gang were nowhere to be seen so we planned on just walking home because we didn't live too far from the drive-in.

"Do you girls wanna grab a few cokes with me and Johnny? we're gonna meet our friend Two-bit too." Ponyboy asked nervously.

I looked over at Cherry who nodded back at me.

"We'd love to Pony, we haven't got anything better to do." I answered.

Johnny and Ponyboy lead us down the road out of the drive-in and we followed close behind them, hoping nobody we knew would notice we were hanging out with some greaser kids. When we got outside the store Ponyboy  introduced me and Cherry to their friend Two-bit, who was crazy drunk, but he still didn't seem like a bad guy like all the socs said they were.

I heard a familiar voice behind me, and a bunch of people laughing along with him, I knew it was my boyfriend Randy. I turned around slowly to be greeted by him standing close behind me.

"What the heck is going on here then?" He didn't even seem angry he just smirked, fiddling with something in his back pocket.

He pushed passed Cherry and I, not even bothering to look at either of us, walking straight over to where Ponyboy, Two-bit and Johnny were standing.

"I've seen you before, haven't I greaser?" He asked pulling out the blade from his back pocket that he was previously playing with, holding it way too close to Ponyboy's neck, where there was already a pretty nasty scar.

Ponyboy was frozen in fear, he didn't say anything he just stood there until Two-bit decided it was finally a good idea to speak up.

"Leave him alone, I know you and your friends are the ones who jumped Johnny near the lot a couple months ago, and you're the ones who cut Pony last week when he was walking alone, ain't ya?" He threatened back.

Randy's friends all snickered in sync behind us.

"And what are you gonna do about it punk, the rest of your pathetic gang aren't here to stop me." Randy laughed.

I couldn't just watch Randy being a complete dick to these guys that he didn't even know, they weren't even bad people, they were just kids and they definitely weren't asking for a fight. Our boyfriends decided to get  drunk and leave us to walk home after the movie, so we were just getting a drink from the store with some new friends. They definitely didn't deserve the abuse they were getting from Bob, Randy and their other friends. I had to step in because I knew Cherry wouldn't, and I knew the greasers couldn't stand up for themselves when there was only 3 of them against Bob and Randy's whole gang.

"Randy, please leave them alone, they're just kids. there were just gonna buy us a coke." I grabbed his arm begging him to stop.

He shook me off his arm and abruptly turned around to me, the blade still in his hand which he was now holding towards me. I knew he'd been drinking, I could smell it on his breath.

While Randy had his back to the greasers I motioned them to leave quickly so he wouldn't notice they were gone, when I managed to break out of Randy's grip I ran as fast as I could towards the lot on the greasers side of town, I didn't think they'd come looking for me there.

I began to slow my pace after I'd gotten out of the socs side of town, I didn't think anyone would come looking for me here, especially because it was dark out and Randy's gang had been drinking since the late afternoon so nobody would be fit to drive, not that it would stop them. I didn't realise I'd been crying on the way here until I felt that my face was wet with tears.

I could hear a car engine and voices shouting in the distance and I knew exactly where it was coming from, Randy's car.

"Baby I'm sorry, come back, we'll drop you off at home." The car slowed down as it got closer to me, Randy stuck his head out of the window calling for me.

"Drop dead Randy, I don't wanna be associated with someone who jumps kids for fun." I shouted while trying to hold back the tears.

"Whatever you say, there's plenty of other pretty girls in Tulsa who are dying to get with me." He stuck his head back into the car while laughing and rolled the window back up.

His car sped away, running over a puddle of water as he left, causing the water to completely soak me. I had no idea how to get home from here, I'd never been in this part of town without Cherry, Bob or Randy, let alone in the dark.

I was able to pat down my face with my sleeve and I was finally able to stop the tears rolling down my face realising I didn't need Randy. I tried to make myself slightly presentable just in case I saw someone I knew, which was highly unlikely because it was the middle of the night and I was in a part of town I barely even knew.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing out on the streets at this time of night on your own, huh."

I turned around to see a tall attractive guy with dark brown hair and eyes smiling at me.

"Uh.. I... I...I'm just on my way home from the movies." I lied.

"The movie ended hours ago doll, are ya lost?" He questioned.

"I guess, could you tell me how to get to the drive-in, it's just down the road from mine."

"Oh so you're a soc huh? Thought you were too pretty to be a greaser."

I blushed and nodded in return to his question.

"I'll walk ya home if ya want? I'm Dallas by the way."

"Thank you Dallas, I'm Veronica."

We were silent most of the way back to mine, neither of us knew exactly what to say, we clearly didn't have much in common with him being a greaser and me being a 'soc'. After walking for about 15 minuets we finally arrived outside my house.

"Well this is mine, thank you Dallas."

"No problem doll, might see ya around, if you're ever lost again I'm usually staying up in one of the rooms at Buck's." He winked at me and walked off into the darkness.

After one of the most eventful nights of my life I was so glad to be able to go home and get straight into bed without having to worry about Randy and what he was doing behind my back. Little did I know, there were many more eventful night to come, some better and some much worse.

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