Perfectly Imperfect

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"It's River. He's my brother."

Dallas didn't get mad, he didn't even look shocked.

"He is?"

I nodded my head, I had no idea what to expect next.

"We'll figure something out I promise, I hate River more than anything but I can't do it if it's gonna hurt you. You've already lost two people in the last two weeks."

I couldn't say anything. I never thought Dallas was capable of being so caring.

I wrapped my arms around him and cried, it's all I could do.

I never thought I'd feel how I did, but being with Dallas in that moment was the safest I'd ever felt.  For a moment, I felt like everything would be okay.

"I missed you so much Dallas Winston."

"I missed you too Ronniecake."

I giggled, he always called me the most stupid things but I loved it. I loved how silly he was around me compared to how he was around everyone else. That made me realise that I loved Dallas.

"Maybe we should get Tim and Curly, we could go do something?" I suggested.

"Good idea, I'll go now." Dallas disappeared into the kitchen and came back with the Shepherd brothers.

We ended up in Ruby's again. We ordered food and some cokes. It was like it used to be. Me, Dallas, Tim and Curly all having food together. It made me miss being back in Tulsa a lot. I missed the gang so much.

I wondered how Ponyboy was holding up, one best friend died and the other left to go to New York with no warning.

We didn't talk too much over food but when we got back to the place we were staying we tried coming up with a plan.

"How about we find River, tell him he has to run away, then we tell Phoenix that we killed him and disposed the body?" Dallas looked pretty proud of his idea.

"That could work but where would we find River?" Curly questioned.

"I always see him down at Ruby's, but I can't guarantee he'll be there any time soon now that he knows you're in New York but.." Dallas chimed in.

"Maybe we'll just have to wait there." I responded.

Dallas came close to me and pulled me into a side hug. "I'm sure we'll find a way Ronnie."

I sighed, I knew that whatever direction this situation would go in it couldn't be good. I'm sure someone would either end up extremely hurt or dead, I could only hope that it wouldn't be one of us.

"I want to go to Ruby's, I want to find my brother."

The three boys looked confused, but none argued back.

We all walked back to the bar, it wasn't too far from the apartment block so we didn't mind walking there so much.

When we got there it was pretty full but River was nowhere to be seen, we checked inside and outside but still no sight of him.

We stood outside in the back garden of the bar so Dallas, Tim and Curly could light up their cancer sticks.

The door slammed shut, clearly someone wasn't too happy. Everyone's heads turned at the exact same time, what I saw next was something I never thought I'd see. 

Phoenix, Jasper and Spike were dragging River outside, Jett was walking close behind but he wasn't touching him. They threw River onto the floor and I honestly thought he was dead. He was breathing but he looked so lifeless on the floor, his skin was littered with bruises and his face had cuts and scrapes all over it.

I guess he had this coming, he had always been a little weird and distant from everyone, but never once did I think my brother would make someone want to take their own life. He wasn't a monster, he was just damaged.

He was barely moving. I wanted to scream or cry but I knew I couldn't, I couldn't let them know I cared.

Phoenix looked straight at Dallas. "Kill him then."

This was it, either River would be killed by Dallas, or Dallas would we killed by Phoenix.

Dallas said nothing, he looked at River, then Phoenix, then me.

Phoenix spoke up. "We'll be inside. By the time we finish a drink we want him dead."

They walked inside leaving me, Tim and Curly looking completely surprised. Dallas shot me an apologetic look and came to stand behind me.

"What are we gonna do?" Dallas panicked. 

"You have to do it Dallas, you'll be killed otherwise!"

I realised what I just said. I couldn't stand to see Dallas get hurt, he means so much to me. I've lived without my brother for 16 years of my life, surely it couldn't make that much difference if he wasn't alive. I can't believe I said that.

I had to say goodbye to River though. I leaned down next to him, I held his hand and went to kiss his forehead. He wasn't breathing. Whatever Phoenix did to him had already killed him.

I looked up at the boys and pools of water began forming in my eyes. "He's dead."

I stood up and backed away. Dallas tried to grab me but I ran out of the bar as fast as I could.

I sat on the pavement outside. Around 10 minutes later the boys came and sat beside me, they all hugged me and I felt so safe. 

"I'm so sorry Ronnie." Dallas grabbed my hand.

"It's okay, I barely knew him." I gave the boys a weak smile.

"On the bright side, we can go back to Tulsa now." Dallas smiled back at me.

I hugged him tightly. I was so happy that he was finally able to come home. It hasn't even been long but I know everyone missed him back home. The gang wasn't the same without Dallas, he was so fiery and sarcastic, he bought so much entertainment to our lives.

"When can we go home?" I looked in Tim's direction.

"Whenever you want, my car is in the parking lot."

We walked back to the apartment block to pack all our things up. By the time we left to go to the car it was pitch black outside and it was at least midnight. We packed everything into the trunk of the car and then we got in. Tim drove and Curly sat in the passenger seat, Dallas and I sat in the back.

I began falling asleep on Dallas shoulder so he wrapped his jacket around me and held me close.

"Goodnight Ronnie."

"Goodnight Dal."

And with that I fell asleep soundly feeling safe in Dallas' arms. I really was falling in love with that boy.

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