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I woke up to the smell of strange dirt. Perking my ears, I listened for the sounds of the young wyverns playing in the treetops. Nothing. I opened my eyes, and saw a green leafy...wait. Leaves weren't green. Bolting up, I lifted the hair from my line of sight and stared in wonder at the landscape around me. There was a large expanse of water, and it stretched on for miles. The ground underneath me was white, like the snow on mt Fujiko. I ran my gloved hands through it, eyes widening at the soft graininess. Glancing up, I glared at the bright yellow...Applauge? It tickled my wings with warmth. I slowly looked around, seeing if I was alone or not. I was. Panicking, I started screeching. "Coal! Mercy!! Addy?! Marina! Summer?! COAL!!!!" I waited in the silence, nothing but the wind flapping through the fronds of the strange green trees. I bit my lip, trying to remember what had happened. "Well..." I spoke out loud. "We were up on mt Fujko gathering nogard berries for the elder... but how did we end up here?" I was shocked out of my puzzlement to something moving nearby. I didn't hear it, nor smell it, not even see it. But I sensed it. Something was watching me. Unsure of what it was, I continued acting normal. I knew it had been watching me for awhile, but it hadn't hurt me. Yet. I slowly stood up, making sure it didn't expect anything. Placing a mask of fake determination on, covering my own face of fear, I turned slowly to the expanse of trees (they look like trees, so that's what I'm calling them.) and took a breath. Forcing myself to relax, I thought of Farohew and put my myself somewhere else. With my heart finally slowing down, I sucked in my breath and slipped. I didn't stick around. Breath flying in my small chest, I raced into the safety of darkness the shadows provided. I can hold my breath for fifteen minutes. So I ran without breathing for fifteen minutes, my fur downed cloak flapping against my legs once I was a good hundred yards away, I stopped. Not waiting to suck in air, I scurried up a tree. And waited. For a whole hour, I sat there, waiting for something to come out, jump up into my little tree and rip open my throat. After awhile, the light disappeared, and I could see much better. Eyes glowing, I whimpered. Deciding I was tired, I spread my cloak between two branches, and laid down. Before drifting off, I quickly undid the leather sash given to me by Marina, and tied myself down. Wouldn't want to fall out of the tree and break a wing now, would we? I can almost see Coal's cheeky grin through my lashes. Suddenly let out a hysterical laugh, then began to cry. Fingering the amulet in my pocket, I thought about my mama. I missed my mama, with her soft, velvety wings and warm stomach and teddy bear eyes. I missed the way she would whisper secrets into my ear as I drifted off to sleep. Most of all, I missed her beautiful voice, and how she sang to me when the other wyverns teased me about my hands and my ears and my feet and arms and hands and, most of all, my eyes. When I asked her if my eyes were demonic or frightening, she would smile, brush the hair out of my face, and tell me that my eyes were like two stars, about to explode into supernova. I smiled at the memory. Once, when I was but fifty years old, I had a awful nightmare. I cried but tried to hide it, since my tears slid in bloody drops down my face. I doubled over as choking sobs racked my body. It was awful, just sitting there with the darkness pressing in on you until your eyes bulge with fear and your heart feels as though it has stopped. And you want it to stop, but it just keeps going, and going, and going. After about a minute, mama came over and wrapped her large figure around my small one. Her breath tickling my ear, she sang my favorite song. A ancient one that spoke of nineteen heroes bonding the four races of Man, Elf, and Wolf. Of how when they do, we will leave here and fly to the land of Crisonia. When I asked her what it meant, she told me that It meant; 'Land of the golden light.' I couldn't wait to get there, is what I told mama. "...Mama..." I whispered into the darkness. Late one night a tribe of Skyheldas attacked our home. she said to me; "stay here, and I will be back at the first sign of light." She was smiling. When I think about her smiling on that take off dock, I want to kill her and keep her there at the same time. But seventy year old me did neither. Seventy year old me smiled and waved goodbye to her, then sat at the cave window watching the skies. I waited like that for hours. Right when was about to fall asleep, heard a war cry and saw the party of dragons flying to the dock. Jumping up, I raced to the landing zone with a bug smile on my face. One by one, the dragons landed. Seventy year old me didn't know what to make of the slashes on their bodies, or the thick red liquid oozing out of their wounds. I kept walking, and stopped at the spot where she had taken off. One of her delicate scales was on the ground, stuck in the wyvern wood. I sat down and pulled it out, twisting it in my fingers. Smiling at the way the pale moon light reflected off of it. And I stayed like that, looking up at the sky, twisting the scale in my pudgy hands, smiling at the thought of mama swooping down and giving me cuddles, her scales smelling like fresh moon air. After awhile, the chief of the village cane up to me with tears in his eyes. Why was he sad? I had wondered. Mama's coming soon with cuddles! Shaking, he lowered his head and opened his mouth. For a strange reason, a sudden shadow had fallen over my body. Reaching in and pulling it out, I could do nothing but stare.
It was mama's amulet. The one she had gotten from papa. The one she swore she would never take off. The one that she wore around her ankle. The amulet that was now covered in foul smelling red liquid.
Her amulet.
Mama's amulet.
I don't know how I knew, but it was a sudden punch in the gut that I felt. Bloody tears streamed down my face and I didn't bother wiping them away. I didn't know who I was. I didn't know where I was. I only knew one thing Mama was gone.
Tearing out of the chief's comforting embrace, I ran to the edge of the dock and called out her name into the night. I called until my voice was hoarse and my skin blue with cold. I wasn't sad the next day. I only felt numb. I didn't say anything at her funeral. It was as if a empty black hole had grow in my heart where mama had been. A week later, when I sat staring at nothing next to me and mama's favorite tree, a person, just like me walked up and held out their hand. I looked up. And I took that hand. For the eyes that hand belonged too showed neither disgust or pity.
But compassion.
The start of a lifelong broship, Coal has called it. He had lost his papa, just like I lost my mama. I fingered the amulet some more. wouldn't forget me, would you? You wouldn't forget Zero?

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