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Nevix POV

I stared at the strange young boy. He looked to be around my age, with snowy white hair and bright red eyes. BUT HE HAD WINGS. And a horn, and a tail. He looked like a...wait. "What are you?" I asked then began  screaming at myself. Way to go Nevix, he'll surely like you now! I jumped when he answered. "A ghost dragon. Well, half ghost dragon if i'm being honest." so he was a dragon, just like my papa told me. "What are you?" he echoed, the sound ringing through the cave. I suprised myself by answering. "Werewolf. Half man, half wolf. I'm also a blood wolf,'t hurt me! Or i'll...i'll..." My voice died. "what did you mean by 'you too?'" He asked, ignoring what I had just said. "Oh...I meant...did you also fall down here" I broke off again. "Die?" He finished. "Why yes, I did. But why you? I thought I was the only one..." It was his turn to break off. I more or less demanded him to tell me his name. "Zero. Do you also feel them?" I sucked in my breath. For the longest time, I thought I was the only one who could hear them and their horrible voice, which would sink into my mind and drained my will to live. "Yes." I whispered, so I don't know if he heard me. He did. "wow..." He breathed. "So... i'm not alone... am I?" I stared deep into his eyes. They were just like mine. All at once, I felt like I could trust this strange boy with my own life. Something happened when we looked into each others eyes. Something clicked. "Let's make a pact, right here and right now." he spoke. "what kind?"

"Promise me...that we will work through this together. When you fall down, I will pick you up. When I fall down, you will pick me up. I will stop your weapon before you use it on yourself, and you will stop mine. Promise me that we will share our sadness and pain. Our past and future. Our love and hate. Our fears and happiness. And let's promise that if one of us were to die whether willing or unwilling, that the other would willingly lay themselves to rest. Promise?"

I barely knew Zero, and yet I was ready to make the ultimate sacrifice for him. A blood bond. Meaning we will never be far apart, closer than siblings, and having the ablity to share our strength and and Maonoa. Maonoa is in every living thing. It means life force.

"Promise." I said.

"Do you swear on your life?"


He looked confused and hurt. but I was confident in my decision.

"I swear on your life."

And that's when we heard the scuffle. And that's also how, 30 minutes later, I made the closet things to family I would ever have.

Dragons of Crisonia(IS NO MORE) *Rewriting*Where stories live. Discover now