Oh, golden goddess pt1

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For awhile, everything was silent. We were all staring at the white  dragon, who was panting with the most annoyed look on his face. Coal just stood there, head tilted to the side where the boy had slapped him. Then Coal slugged him on the head. A huge dragon with long brown hair pulled into a kirin tail and beautiful yellow-blue wings marched up and yelled, "ZERO, WHERE DID YOU LEARN THAT WORD?!?!" The dragon boy, Zero, harrumphed and crossed his arms. "Coal." Coal looked afraid for his life. I would be too, if a giant dragon turned to me with a look of hatred in his eyes. "EITHER!!!" Feather cried. She ran to him, sliver hair hanging over her eyes. The wolf girl glared and pushed Either behind her, but Feather shoves her out of the way and hugged him tightly. "I was so worried she sobbed. "Ok, ok, m-Feather." Everyone knew Feather was like a mom to Either. Looking around, I saw Aqua's short blue hair, and Zap's bolt shaped trident. "Zero is right," a voice cut across the chatter. "We have to work together." And then in front of me emerged a golden goddess. Her sun colored hair flowed behind her golden wings. Her blue dress swished. And my heart went thump.

If people like this, then I might continue this story. I was very sad about something at the time, so I couldn't write anymore. However, tell if you like it. Then i probably will continue. Let's say, 20 votes? Or not. Thanks for reading this trash.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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