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Coal POV
This girl was a very advanced fighter, so I'll give her that. Apparently elves fight with magic. She had an overload of the energy. Still, i'd been storing mine up. While I had been saving it for an emergency, looks like there's no choice. Digging into what I had stored up, I ducked another blow and fired a quick nova shot. Bulls eye. The blast hit her right in the thigh, the only area she had no armour. She shrieked. And glared with amber eyes. I smirked, wondering why I was enjoying seeing her in pain. Readying another blast, I almost fired until thorn tackled me. "STOP!" The little elf screamed. I looked at the girl, who was panting. Blooded seemed to spurt from the wound, and I felt a surge of horror. Had I done this? I bent down and offered my hand. "I'm so sorry! I don't know what happened to me. Are you hur—." She smacked my hand away. I felt a pain in my heart when I saw the hatred in her eyes. I looked at her confused. "I-I'm sorry." I said again, cowering like a hatchling. She stood up and pulled a bottle from her belt. In it was a smooth green liquid. She popped off the lip and drank deeply. "Um—" I started before she hit me with a blast of fire. I flew towards the wall. "Coal!" Mari screamed. I slid to the floor, coughing up blood. She began to stalk towards me. What the hell?! I said I was sorry. Gagging, I stood up and readied my own sword. Raising it to attack, I let out a cry of rage. "STOOOP!!!" I heard from the tunnel entrance. We all stopped our fights. Standing with a wolf by his side, and holding a young elf on dragon back, was zero. He let the little elf-version of himself down. The boy went and hugged the wolf girl. Why were there so many versions of zero?! He marched right up to me. "Zer—" slap! I reeled backwards with the force of it. He didn't show it, but the little dude really packed a punch. Whirling around, he glared at all of the other fighters. And then he said something that earned him a slug on the noggin from me. "F***ING IDIOTS!!!!"

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