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"Summer...Summer wake up! Please!" Mari's voice cut through the fogginess in my head. I sat up and looked at her. Of course, she was crying. As a water dragon, mari always wears her emotions on my sleeve. She blushes around her crush (*cough*Coal*cough*), cries when she is sad, and makes the most funny faces when she is scared. Once when we were younger, I scared Mari so badly she legitimately pissed in her pants. It was so funny, everyone was laughing. However, it was bad for me because mercy scolded me. I cried of course. Man, I wish I could kiss him. Mari's crying broke through my fantasies. "Aww, shaddup will ya? I'm fine." I growled. Mari yelped and hugged me. I love her a lot, but by God's she could be annoying! I looked around, realizing that we were not in Farohew. I didn't care. Mari did. She started prattling on about how we were I danger. Ingnoring her, I stood up and gasped at the horror before my eyes. "What?! What is it?! Is it a dead body?!?!" Mari screamed. I slowly turned to face her. "My violet cloak!" I screamed back. Sure enough, my beautiful violet cloak was in tatters. I was probably the only one in our whole group that cared about fashion. It made sense, being a light dragon and all. And that wasn't the worst thing. It had been torn to shreds by some...animal! "When I find who did this, I swear to god I'll kill them!" I screamed. "Please don't summer!" We have to find the others! Poor zero is probably all alone..." mari sniffed as I facepalmed. How could I forget zero, The youngest in our group! "We have to find him! He's probably so scared right now..." another sniffle from mari. Yeah right, I thought. Scared, no. I'M scared because if we don't find him coal will kill us! I shivered at what the royal blue fire dragon could do. "Whelp, lets get going!" I said, tired of mari's sniffles. I grabbed her protesting by her arm and dragged her into the strange trees. We walked for about an hour or so until I whipped around and pulled out my swords. Mari strung an arrow dipped in one of the many poisons in vials on her belt. We stared at the bush until I spoke up. " come out, now!" My eyes never blinked, never left that bush. Suddenly it rustled. We both tensed. The thorns parted and a tall injured creature limped out. A creature with a very familiar body. It stepped into the light and we both gasped. I shouted our in surprise;

Dragons of Crisonia(IS NO MORE) *Rewriting*Where stories live. Discover now