Notice me senpai!

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Hullo, Reddwolf12 here. Just so you know, this story will include swearing, violence, depression, self harm, and hard sadness. Also, I am a very bad writer so please don't hate me for it. I'm going to keep writing this if not for you, then for myself. I hope you like it so far. Things to know are that every ten years in dragon years is one year of age. Ex: 90=9. Zero is 111, coal 150, mercy 170, Adeline 150, summer 130, marina 140. Still, this does not mean a 120 year can not feel true love. I really hope people like this. I'll add some of the art I did soon! Thank you for your valuable time!
(P.s, Wattpad won't let me type messages on my message board, so please ask me in comments! I'm super sorry.)

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