6. Changes and nightmares

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Here so you got a chapter.
~Two days later~

Ink's P.O.V

Tomorrow is the party, i'm so exited about the party, but Error seems nervous about it, I dont know why. But theres still a good thing there, Error warmed up to me, fully! When I asked him for the truce and that he could live in my house, I thought nothing will change, he still will hate me and wont stop destroying, thats what I thought. But its the complete opposite, he's talking to me right now, It doesnt seem like that he hate me and he even explained a bit of his problems, even his haphephobia. About the haphephobia, it just that someone is afraid to be touched, and that they get scared or in Error sight, he glitch. And the other problems where about his sanity when he were in the anti-void, thank god he didn't lose it. And the were this other problem, the voices, I know they are just the creators but I cant belief they are so cruel. But it's ok what problems someone have, even me, this with the AU pain and theres one more, I'm afraid of being forgotten, that's why I created AU's, or I even had nightmares too, I'm not sure if the nightmares come from Nightmare, but what does he possibly want from me, he's the enemy....

But Error was the enemy too, and what happened? I fell in love with him, I cant denie it. But how can I confess, or should I not confess and wait? What should I do!?

Error's P.O.V

I want to confess to Ink, but when? I'm not even sure if he like me the same way and if not, it would be really akward all the time now. Maybe I can ask Blue for help. "HeY, Ink?" He looked to me "I'm GoInG fOr A wAlK, oK?" "Ok." I stood up and opened a portal, stepped trough and landed on the snow from Underswap. I was in front of the ruins door, but I could just teleport to their house.

I knocked on the door, just to be greeted by Blue "Oh! Hello Error!"
"Hi, Is YoUr BrOtHeR tEeRe?" "No he's at Muffet's!" Ok thats good, when he were there, he sure would kick my ass.

"I nEeD hElP"
"About what?"
"Um... LoVe?"
"OooOooh, who is he~"
"WhAtEvEr, I wAnT tO aSk WhAt I cOuLd Do FoR hIm"
"Mmmh... you could bring him to a nice place, oh! And maybe a gift as a suprise!"
"Ok, ThAnKs"

With that I opexned another portal to Ink's house.

~Time skip~

Ink's P.O.V

Error was already in his room, probably making himself ready for bed. I should probably go too, I went upstairs to my room and opened the door, changed in Pj's (I bet everyone made a joke about it). I layd down on my bed and thought before I fell to sleep, 'I hope I dont get a nightmare... again'.

But wrong~

(Nightmare starts)

I was in a plain white void, nothing to hear except my footsteps. Soon blurry figures popped out. It was the sans's. All of them, even Dream and Blue, cursed on me, laughed on me and hurt me, it hurt so much.

Stupid asshole
Who cares about you
Your nothing
Why are you even here
No one loves you
You should just die

Some of them punched me everytime they said something like that, it hurts. The sans's were gone, I still laid there. Someone came to me, they laid a hand or something on my head and wispered in my ear (hole?)

"I'm coming"

(Nightmare ends)

I woke up in pain, the damage they made in the nightmare, were still there. It hurt so much. I quickly healed myself, but there were still some bruses. I looked on the clock and remembered "Right! Today is the party!" I quickly changed into my normal clothes and went to Error's room to wake him up.

~Time skip brought you by a lazy Author~

We were ready to go, but I had a last thought 'I hope nothing bad happens now'


Yay a chapter
What will happen to Ink? Find out!
P.s for the vampire verse reader, it will come out a little late, i had less chapters here so im working here a bit.
Word count: 730

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