Tadashi x reader (no need to say goodbye)

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Y/bf/n-your best friend name

F/c-fav color

s/f/c-second fave color

Tadashi dies in the fire and you are sad and then you see him again in your dreams.

*Mentions of Abuse, don't like don't read...*

Tadashi I miss you, I miss your smile your perfect face your lovely personality everything about you I miss.

I glance at the ring sitting on my ring finger.
We were to be married in the spring...

Where are you? Hiro needs you... I need you. 

"Y/n!! Hiro and Y/bf/n are here!" Mom called down from the kitchen.

"KAY! Give me a few to get ready!" I call grabbing my F/c purse and s/f/c shoes and slid down the banister to reach the door and open it for my friends.

"Hiro!!! Y/bf/n!!! Hey, what are we doing today?" I ruffle my brother in law's hair and give my bestie a giant hug.

"Well since it was, well His B-day today we wanted to visit his favorite places!" Y/bf/n said cheerfully

Well, Shuck, I forgot it was his birthday...FORGIVE MEH! 

"Y-yeah that sounds like fun! MOM IM GOING OUT!!!" I yell to the kitchen

"BE BACK BEFORE 12, DEAR!" She called back

"Ugh Curfew" I sigh to my friends as they laughed and we walked out the door.


"WOW Y/n, My brother did what??" Hiro chuckled as they both walked me home.

"Yep and he was Shuck'n proud of it too!" I laugh as I Waved goodbye.

"Y/n L/n IT IS 12:01 WHERE WERE YOU??" My dad shouts from the doorway.

"I was hanging with Y/bf/n and Hiro around the park," I say calmly.

"YOU ARE a Minute Late!" He roared and slapped me across the face.

"Traffic was horrid dad we couldn't cross 78th!" I say raising my voice a little and holding my cheek.

"Get, me a beer bottle and some food brat," He mumbled buying my excuse and turning to the living room to watch some TV.

I held my cheek and did as he asked and brought it to him then went upstairs to the closet I call a bedroom.

"Tadashi I wish you were here..." I mumble then I fell asleep darkness enveloping me.

~In Dream~

Tadashi appeared and held me tight tending to the multiple bruises and cuts on my face and arms.

"I wish you were here for real Dashi..." I mumble against his Chest.

"Well, someone had to save you?" He replied giving me a tight hug and kissing my forehead.

(Basically, he appears in your dreams and stays with you while you sleep)

"But, why did it have to be you?" I ask tears streaming down my cheeks

"Because I Love you N/n!" He said tilting my head up so he could stare at my face.

"Because you are my Lover, my Life, My Baby, My Wife." He continued and pressed his lips against mine.

I have missed kissing him (shuck that was creepy to write)

we parted as the bells signaling that I was waking up ringed around the dream.

"I'll see you again N/n and remember, I Always Love you..."


Allright remember to Request on lowercase request pages


ML OUT!<3<3<3<3<3<3

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