Hiccup x Suicidal reader

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 As in the title, this is a suicidal one-shot if this triggers DO NOT READ I care too much about you! YOU ARE ALWAYS LOVED PROMISE!!!!!!! Based on the song above Her Last words.


Y/n's Pov

Just an average girl she always wore a smile

"Morning Gobber!" I call out as I pass the workshop to get to the academy.

"Morning Lass! How is D/n? (Dragon Name) " Gobber asked as he put a saddle on Grump.

"He/she is doing well!" I say waving as I hear the gates starting to close.


"Bye lass!"

She was cheerful and happy for a short while.

I sprint to the Academy and slip under the gate just before it slammed shut.

"Morning everyone!!" I say cheerfully.

"Morning, N/n it's two early. Grow up a Little, you are going to get killed one day!" Astrid sneered as she also came into view.

"Oh, well sorry everyone didn't mean to be too childish," I say sheepishly bowing my head and shuffling over to D/n's Stable, and took off for our morning lessons.

Now she's older things are getting colder, life's not what she thought she wished someone had told her.

~Timeskip to next day~

I kept my head down as I walked into the stables, I didn't say a word to anyone just got ready for the lesson.

"Alright, everyone we are going to work on evasive maneuvers and attacking with stealth." Hiccup said as he checked everyone's handiwork on their saddles.

"N/n, Are you ok?" Hiccup asked as he saw my blank face.

"No, Just a little sad," I say in a depressed tone, but hiccup didn't hear me as he moved on to Astrid and kissing her cheek.

She told you she was down, you let it slip by so from then she kept it on the inside.

"Y/n how are you doing?" Annora (an OC) asked as she linked arms with me and brought me to her house for our daily hangout.

"Just tired," I say my  Monotone voice surprising her since I'm usually so cheerful.

"ANNORA, YOU HAVE CHORES!!! Y/n CAN NOT COME OVER TODAY." Annora's father yelled from inside their house.

"Sorry N/n, but I'll see you tomorrow." Annora waved as she ran inside.

I walked home my head down. I'm alright, everything is fine.

She told herself she was alright, But she was telling white lies, can't you tell look at her dull eyes.

Author's Pov

Y/n kept being the same person, she wasn't as cheerful anymore and yet somehow no one noticed that she changed.

Tried to stop herself from crying every night, but she knew there was no chance of feeling alright.

Y/n lay down and rubbed the tears from her eyes, this was the fifth night in a row she had cried herself to sleep. This is never going to end...

~Month passing montage~

It was now summer and all Y/n wore was long-sleeved shirts. 

Summer came by, all she wore was long sleeves 'Cause those cuts on her wrists were bleeding through you see

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