Settling In (Chapter 3)

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Ash's POV

She pulls me into the principal's office. The secretary looks like Princess Peach, the Vice Principal looks like Luigi, and the principal looks like Mario. They greeted me and handed me my things.

Out in hallway I saw loads of people that I recognized from games, just younger versions.

Emma tapped me on the shoulder and pointed over to a group."That's the Super Smash Sisters. Stay away from them."(a/n: THE HATE COMMENTS)

I nodded slowly as one of them looked at me like I was a dog with rabies or something. Which I sort of am. I'm a dog hybrid.

Aurora is a strange place.

Emma pulls me into a large corridor with different doors. I get dragged into A2, one of the first dorms. There's two queen sized beds, a bathroom, and a closet for each of us. There's two desks for each of us. The walls are a deep blue color, almost the same as my eyes. Our beds are a bleach white.

I'm gonna do some painting soon, I thought.

Emma sat down at her desk and turned on her computer."Carlos and Gannon are across the hall from us in B3."

"'Kay,"I muttered, taking out my cloaks and hanging them up in the closet.

Emma turned around from her chair."Weapon ceremony is tomorrow. We have to wear something nice. I'm wearing the armor my dad have me. Basically I'll look like a guy until I take my helmet off and then-"she threw her hand over her head."oooooooo!"

I laughed and took out my clothes that looked exactly like my dad's."This,"I showed her it.

Emma looked at it in disgust."Really? You'll look like a Mage. The whole school'll laugh. Well, they won't laugh as hard when Karly has to wear her pink stuff."

"Who's she?"

"Daughter of Kirby. She's actually very punk...but weapon ceremony says otherwise."

Imagine I get a Fidget! I thought, remembering the companion my dad had on his journeys.

"But really, it's the hair that needs fixing,"Emma eyed my messy silver hair.

She took out a comb and a brush.

Make a mad dash!

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