Ice Cream (Chapter 14)

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Ash's POV

"Ice cream?"Jay asked.

I looked through my bag."I have one. It heals burns and restores 140 health? No. That'"

Gannon laid a hand on my shoulder."Just give me it already."

I tossed the small jar towards him. He looked at it carefully and slowly licked it. I smirked and watched as the burn on his leg magically disappeared. He grabbed his leg as it sealed up.

"What is this-"

"W.O.W. Don't say it,"Jay laughed.

I grabbed Arah."C'mon. Let's pack up. I know they ran east of here, which is the way they ran."

"Wait, wait,"Carlos laughed."Do you have steak?"


I wasn't sure what he was getting at. We all looked through our things. The only other things I had were different rings and blueprints. But I did have something else.

"I have a few thousand wall chickens!"I smiled, beginning to nibble on one.

Gannon dropped his bag."Did you say few thousand?"

I nodded widely.

"Oh gosh,"Carlos said,"and you said you got them from walls?"

"There are millions of walls in Aurora. Their pretty common."

"Well, chicken'll do,"Carlos shrugged."Now we walk around throwing them everywhere."

"Why, exactly?"Gannon asked.

Carlos laughed."Shane's bottomless stomach."


I carefully placed a chicken on the ground. The wind whipped around me, rustling the leaves. Something flashed in the corner of my eye. I withdrew my sword and turned around.

"Spike!"someone screamed.


"Where's Shane?"

"He ran off saying something about ketchup."

"You lost him again?"

"Don't blame me!"

So obviously they were around. I stayed put, still grasping onto the chickens. A person in blue flashed by me and snatched the chickens right out of my hand.

"Where are they? Where are the rest?"

I screamed."Don't hurt me!"

"Why would I do that? Do you have anymore?"

I cracked open one eye to reveal Shane looking through my bag. I snatched it away and hugged him hard.

"I thought you were gone..."

"Why would you think that?"he whispered.

"Because he hurt Gannon really bad. And I know he could do you to more to you."

Shane's prideful smile faded."Are you saying that I'm weak?"

"No, not at-"

He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I screamed and pounded on his back.

"I've got a crazy wolf hybrid handing out chicken! Clint, Spike!"

I saw the two dash out of the trees. He all joined for a big hug. I pulled away.

"C'mon. We need your help defeating Dragovich."

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