Clint's Pokemon (Chapter 15)

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"Where do we start?"Spike asked later that night.

"We can't jump to conclusions anyway,"Jay said."That man is on a mission to take over. He'll do anything to stop us."

I bit my lip.

"But uh...let's talk later. We can't jump to conclusions that he didn't change anything from the past. Maybe more guards, more powerful guns, and-and maybe a maze!"

"Mazes? If you don't count getting stuck underground for about a year in you're life because walls blocked you're way, I'm screwed,"I said.

"We'll help,"Gannon nudged me.

I laughed and stepped in a muddy puddle. It spurted onto his jeans. He laughed and pushed me down into the mud.

"Love birds,"Shane rolled his eyes.

"Nice one,"Jay fist-bumped Gannon.

I got up and ran over to Jay. Before she knew it, I was hugging her. She was drenched in mud.

"Oh you-"

I dove out of the way as she threw a mud ball at me. It hit Spike. He screamed like a little girl. We all started laughing hard. Spike threw a mud ball at Carlos. He ducked, only to be met with a muddy boot to the face from me.

"Okay, okay-"I started laughing."We need to stop."

"Said the girl that started it,"Clint sassed.

"Oh..."Carlos said."Fight fight fight fight!"

I took out my sword. Clint looked at it for a split second then backed away."I do not want to get into trouble with that."

We came across a large mountain, and the only way through was a cave entrance. But there was one tiny problem. It was blocked by stone walls.

I took out my sword."I got this."

But Clint was already running towards it at full speed. He threw out his leg and kicked straight through it. We all stared in awe.

"It's super effective!"we all yelled.

Slowly we walked inside. It was like your regular cave. Made of stone with stalagmites and stalactites everywhere. Water dripped from the ceiling, telling me something.

I'd been here before.

And I was right because we all heard the evil laugh.

Our first ever mini-boss.

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