Smash Sisters (Chapter 5)

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Ash's POV

"What the heck was that?"Gannon whispered to me as we walked back to the dorms after the ceremony.

I shrugged."They were in my way."

"Don't be considerate around them! They are dangerous characters! And Karly tried to steal your destiny."

"But she didn't!"I laughed.

I entered my dorm. A few girls looked up at me.


"Kim and..."


"Um...sorry. Wrong dorm. I'm Dust by the way. Bye!"I closed the door.

"Wrong door?"Jay asked, standing next to ours.

I nodded.


Jay was fast asleep. I didn't know why I was doing this. I grabbed Arah from my desk and opened the door slightly.

I'm actually surprised Arah hasn't talked to me yet. I heard many stories from my parents that he helped make hard decisions. But for me, this was hard.

"The front lawn,"I whispered to myself, making my way across the main hallway.

There was suddenly some whispering.

"And then, wammoh! He was right there under my grasp... Hey look."

One of them pointed over to me. I was focusing so hard on getting past them that I didn't even realize there was trip wire. I stumbled onto it and crashed to the ground.

They went into a laughing fit. I got up a brushed myself off. I walked sternly over to them. They suddenly cowered down in fear.

"You don't really know the rules do you?"

I don't remember what happened next, but I was suddenly alone in the main hall.

There was a voice from the doors,"Come on Ash!"

It was one of the Smash Sisters, Turbo. Daughter of Sonic.

I ran over and out to the tree where Karly and Turbo were sitting.

"Hey!"Karly exclaimed."You brought Arah too. Perfect!"

I smiled.

"Hey, in honor of being a new friend, here's a drink!"

Turbo handed me something that looked like code mixed with wine.

"I don't drink."

"It's not a drink silly. It's punch. Drink it."

I took the cup and slowly drank it. It was bitter at first and then turned sweet. Almost too sweet. Suddenly, I got dizzy and the world closed in around me.

Karly whispered,"Goodnight Ash."

Everything went black.

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