Gannon Hates Axes

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Ash's POV

It had been a few days of walking. Carlos had previously taken out his battle axe, claiming that his sword was a bit too heavy. And Gannon was really. Ticked. Off.

One night he tried to sell it to a harpy that had flown over. Gannon also tried to throw it into the river. I didn't know what was up with him, until one trip around the campfire.


"I. Freaking. Hate. Axes,"Gannon said, eyeing Carlos down.

"You do?"Jay asked.

"You could've just told me a lot earlier,"Carlos commented."It would've resolved a lot of conflict."

Gannon sighed."I know, but my inner Navi was telling me,'Hey. Listen. Leave him alone.'"

I giggled."Your inner Navi?"

Jay rolled her eyes."Hyrulien ((?)) matters."

"But seriously. I hate them. Axes. I've used a sword all my life, and I've never adapted to having an axe around me."

I looked through my inventory."Hey, who's up for a campfire song?"

"Umm..."they chimed.

I wiggled my eyebrows at Carlos, and he smirked. He threw me Gannon's hoodie. I slowly slipped into it and strummed my guitar.

"Hey, my name is Gannon ya'll

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