Meanwhile at the House...(Chapter 19)

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Shane's POV

It was absolutely madness. Clint and Spike were fitting over who held the Mudpot baby. Carlos was running up walls. Jay was complaining about her boots being covered in mud. And me? I was getting forced to make soup.

Which I had no idea how to do.

The noise level was louder than a sixth grade cafeteria. At least I was separated from the noise level a bit. It's hard traveling with 7 people.

I wonder how Ash and Gannon are doing...


Ash's POV

I let out a terrified scream and started scrambling for the water. He started walking towards me. I screamed again and fell back first into muddy water. Gannon blinked a few times, and the soulless black eyes faded away.

"Is that some kind of sick joke?!"I yelled.


"You have some real courage to do that to me!"

"What did I do?"

I stared him down. I grabbed the onions and walked back to Mudpot. Gannon walked behind me quietly. I jumped down the hole. A horrid smell filled my nose.

"Help me down, will you?"Gannon asked, reaching down.

"Find your own way,"I snapped.

I walked back to the house. The Mudpot woman cooked up some-in my perspective-disgusting soup. Shane chowed down. He even asked for thirds. He's got some real courage.

As the sun set on another evening, I kept thinking of what had happened. I brushed it off and fell asleep.

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