Lady Something (Chapter 16)

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Ash's POV

An unknown species hybrid descended down a stair case of water. Slowly everyone began slowly walking backwards, but I stood my ground. The lady slowly took a long, green finger and caressed my face lightly.

I narrowed my eyes."Lady Tethys."


"I see the young Aurorean comes back,"she laughed."As if your father wasn't enough."

"He fought for what was right."

"He killed my family and destroyed my home. And he birthed you."

"Oh no she didn't,"Jay sassed.

I brought up my sword and swung it at The Lady. She backed away and slowly formed a large sickle in her hand. Gannon slowly walked towards me.

"Ash, you shouldn't-"

I charged towards her as she swung the sickle my way. I was immediately smashed against the stone wall. Shane ran over.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded and pointed to Jay. She jumped up and deflected a cast of electricity sent from The Lady. She skid across the floor, but jumped back up.

The Lady began racing towards Clint and Spike that were cornered. But Carlos landed down on her bag and stabbed her in the bag repeatedly. The Lady pushed him off. She struck him with a bolt of electricity. He fell to the ground.

Emma ran over."Carlos!"she screamed.

The Lady laughed."Aw. Are you to lovers?"

Clint shot her in the stomach. The Lady stared down at the wound and it slowly began healing. I ran towards her. She turned around, ready to sickle me. Gannon jumped in front of me and deflected it. The electricity hit her.

The Lady went tumbling to the ground."But you aren't-"

I slowly began walking towards her."I've learned more than you could ever. I'm stronger than my father. I'm stronger than anyone could ever be!"

Gannon tried to hold me back."Ash, stop!"

I shoved him off."You killed everyone that I loved. You killed Mudpot! I'm stronger than anyone!"

I brought down my sword into her stomach. Blood splattered across the floor. Jay hid in in Carlos' strong arms. Shane curled his hands into fists. Spike and Clint started walking towards me, but I thrust my sword towards them.

"Get the freak away from me!"I yelled."I'll kill you!"

A small laugh erupted from The Lady. She coughed up a bit of blood."Are you sure? One of your friends will betray you in the mere future. And they will defeat you.

"And you say your more powerful than your father? You're oh so wrong..."

Then she disappeared.

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