Welcome to Mudpot (Chapter 17)

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Ash's POV

I flailed down onto the ground where Lady Tethys was."What the freaking crap?!"

Clint grabbed my shoulder."Let's go. She probably dissolved."

"Into where?!"I screamed.

"My Notch, Ash,"Jay grabbed my hand and began pulling me deeper into the cave."Calm the freak down. You're hurting my reputation."

"You're reputation?"I spat."How about the whole world, huh? It's gonna get destroyed!"

Gannon pulled me back."Stop, seriously. It seems like you're going to destroy the world."

I crossed my arms."Fine."

We walked for a while, avoiding rocks. A horrible smell began wafting through our noses as we journeyed on. But to me, this was contentment. A weird one. Soon, it became stronger. We all plugged our noses.

We came across a small village. Houses were igloo shaped and made completely out of mud. Small, blue alien-like people were working and running around the small settlement.

A girl ran up to me. She grabbed my arm."Dust! I love my doll!"


I was confused at first. Then, a small smile crept over my lips."I'm not Dust. I'm Ash, his daughter."

"Even better!"she threw her small, blue arms around me.

Shane looked across the village."What is this place?"

Carlos smiled."Welcome to Mudpot. A small settlement in Cirrome- Cirromo- Cir- Nope! Not even going to try."

I laughed."It's a cave system that supplies most of the water that we drink today."

"Yeah!"the little girl shouted."But that mean lady clogged the water again. But thank you for fixing it!"

"I'm not sure-"Clint slapped his hand on Spike's mouth.

"Yeah kid. We're happy to help,"Clint said, sounding laid back.

A short, fat, blue (heavy on the adjectives aren't I?) came running towards us. She grabbed Shane's hand and began running back to the houses. Shane shrugged and took out a knife.

"Hey, whoa!"Gannon yelled running after her.

I grabbed his cape and he stopped."It's probably just a quest or something. C'mon."

We started walking down the stone road to the house where the woman dragged Shane. Gannon wrapped an arm around me. I saw Jay kiss Carlos on the cheek. Those two flaunt their relationship too dang good.

As we approached the house, the woman demanded that we sat down. Shane sat in the mud chair-well, more like tied up.

"They like visitors. And won't let them leave,"I rolled my eyes."But if you get over their bad soup, they're great people."

The woman came out with a spatula and a baby in her hands."Listen. You got the waters running. All I need is a few onions and a rabbit. Dust and modernized Link'll do that."

"Why is my name Dust all of a sudden?!"I shouted.

"I'll pay a lot, and a place to rest. Is it a deal?"

We all exchanged glances."Challenge Accepted."

The woman smiled."Then welcome to Mudpot!"

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