Wake up!

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I bolted awake. After a brief glance around, I realized I was still at home. Letting my head hit my pillow, I gazed out my window at the Alolan night sky.

Why do I keep dreaming of Ultra Megalopolis and Lillie? I get Megalopolis, but why Lillie? Just don't get it....

I heard my door rattle, then quietly pop open. The hinges creaked as my mom nudged the door open.

"Hey mom. Something up?" I casually folded my hands behind my head.

"Yes. Get dressed. Someone very important has come to see you."

I gave my mom a questioning glance, but she simply closed the door. I heard her giggle, then walk down.

This had better not be a prank, Mom!

After adjusting my cap, I walked down and saw a man sitting on the couch with my mom. She was smiling, as was he.

After swiftly clearing my throat, I declared my presence. "Hello sir. May we help you?"

My mom giggled. What's so funny? "Oh, Sun sweety. Take a seat. I'll make us some Tapu Cocoa."

She got up and walked into the kitchen. The man looked at me, took off his Kanto baseball cap, as did I with my generic, yet iconic hat. The man had a small burn scar on his left cheek and was smiling like I was when I won the Pokemon League (which was ecstatic).

"Looks like we have a lot to catch up on.... Your mother has been telling me all about your actions and heroic deeds, and I must say, I'm impressed! You not only stopped two evil teams, but prevented the light of Alola from being taken away! Well done! I must admit, the most amount of teams I've disbanded has been one, but they weren't even at their full power!" His voice was sooooooo familiar, I felt like I should know it by heart.

My mom came back with four mugs. She gave one to all of us, then whistled for my starter, Premiere, my loyal water-type starter, a female Primarina. She waddled down and sat next to me, then began to blow on the boiling drink Mom gave her. The man and I chuckled and I took a sip of my drink.

Mom put down her mug and took a deep breath. "Sun, this is Gold. As you may know, he's a wonderful trainer, but that's not all...." She looked at Gold, who simply nodded, then looked me right in the eyes, fully grabbing my attention.

His eyes are so grey, just like mine. And his hair! The same oak brown as mine! Who IS this man?

"Sun.... I'm your father...."

Wow. Did any of you expect that? Anyways, this is something I'll be working on alongside A Journey Through Skyrim. Farewell and Extremis Malis, Extrema Remedia.

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