Mistakes were made

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I stumbled, but continued to run. Dragging Lillie along, we sprinted through the jungle-like forest while bullets flung dirt up around us.

"Sun! Where's your dad?!" Lillie was panting. She couldn't handle much more of this.

"Lost him! It'll be okay! We just have to keep running!" I was panting as well.

Neither of us can keep this up! We need to rest, but how do we lose these guys?

I spotted a bridge and got a risky idea. Grabbing Premiere's ball, Lillie and I sprinted across the bridge, but a helicopter flew up and decided to shoot the bridge down.

Lillie held onto me for dear life as I tried to grab and hold onto the bridge, which worked, until it didn't. We slammed into the rocky cliff face and I lost my grip, sending the two of us into the churning river.

We hit our heads against the rocky bottom and blacked out.

Dad.... Where are you?

A/n: This would be a nice place to end, but the chapter would be way too short! Guess we have no chance but to dance!

Wait, what?! NO! I-I didn't say that!

Continue with the story!

I woke up, moaning. "Ugh. Where the heck am I?"

I heard a moan to my left and when I looked, I saw Lillie laying on a bed, rubbing her forehead. A man sat between us, with a Lucario standing by his side. He glanced at me.

"Ah. You're awake. Good. There is much to do."

I blinked at the man in confusion. "Who are you? Do you know where my dad is?"

"No, I don't. And all you need to know is that I am an Aura Guardian."

A tale my Lucario told me played in my head. It was of humans who had the gift of using aura going around the world to help the weak. These "Aura Guardians" had seemingly vanished, but my Lucario stated it felt a familiar presence from me.

"Are you speaking the truth? I own a Lucario and he said that all of you had vanished hundreds of years ago."

The man chuckled. "We returned. Come with me, there is much I have to teach you. These lands are not what they used to be."

He stood up and I glanced at Lillie before standing up as well. I found my bag and slipped it on, placing Premiere's ball in my hand for good measure. We made our way outside and I noticed it was dark, yet a blue light lit our way. We walked for a long time until the man suddenly stopped and sunk low.

"Get down."

I crouched down and heard the snap of a branch. The Aura Guardian and I stood there for some time, waiting for whatever made that sound to reveal themselves. Turns out, we waited for a good reason.

A certain dark-skinned boy stumbled out of the forest and landed on his face. I rushed up and tried shaking him awake.

"Hau! Wake up!"

He moaned, the let out his "leave me alone, I'm sleeping" noise. I rolled my eyes, then tossed Premiere's ball. She glanced at me, then gave Hau a very cold bath.

My Alolan friend jolted awake. "Gwahh! Sun? Is that you?"

I smiled. "Hey, Hau. It's me. What are you doing here?"

"These Team RR thugs tried to grab me, but I ran away from them and took off on Charizard. We spotted a blimp headed away from Alola, so we trailed it. Someone must have spotted us, because Charizard got hit by a Thunderbolt attack and I've been on the run ever since. Who's that?"

I looked over my shoulder at the Guardian. "An Aura Guardian, apparently. You'll be safe here, I think. Lillie and I had passed out after hitting our heads on the bottom of a river and I woke up in a bed with him sitting on a chair next to me. I don't know much more than that."

Hau scratched his head. "What about Lil?"

"She was laying on a bed on the other side of the room I woke up in. It's over that way if you want to rest."

"Thanks, bud. I think I'll go and hit the hay."

I watched Hau walk off and would have continued to stand there if the Aura Guardian didn't clear their throat.

"Can we get to the training grounds? You've got a lot to learn, kid."

I shook my head and chased after the Aura Guardian. Somehow, I lost him but came upon a massive waterfall that cast mist high into the sky. The clearing was huge and I knew my Pokemon were itching to battle. As such, I sent out my entire team and let them choose their sparring partners. Premiere chose to go up against Rei and I decided to cheer my closest friend on.

"You can do it, Premiere! Just keep pushing on! Push through and bolt to the top! You have a strength inside that still is buried! UNLOCK IT!"

The battles ended and Premiere came out on top with her battle. I healed my team and they sparred again and again in a tournament style until it was just Premiere and Nebby. Premiere had the level advantage by one, but I knew just how powerful Nebby truly was. I prepped a Max Revive just in case.

"GO! You can do it, Premiere! Just keep fighting! You can win this! PUSH THROUGH! UNLOCK YOUR POTENTIAL!"

I felt my heart race and at the same time, I heard a heart beating in unison with mine. Water from the lake crept up the beach and swirled around the feet of Premiere and I. It crawled into the air and surrounded us. When we burst out of our cocoons, we were changed.

My clothes were a soft blue color and Premiere looked more... regal, almost. I heard Premiere's thoughts and she must have heard mine, because she looked back and gave me a solid nod. We lurched forwards and Premiere hit Nebby with all her might, knocking the legendary unconscious. My clothes shifted and I felt drained. Looking down, they were back to normal.

Groggily, I gave Nebby a Max Revive, then fell asleep, clinging to its giant mane. When I woke up, I found I was in Premiere's arms and all of my Pokemon had surrounded me, comforting. With a smile, I snuggled closer to Premiere and fell back asleep, the darkness of the night washing over me.

Good night, Lillie. Sweet dreams.

Why hello! Thank you for almost 100 views on this story! I plan on bringing Lillie back into the tale soon, but first, we must SPECULATE!!!!

First thing to think about: Who was that Aura Guardian? Have we met him before, or is he brand new?

Second: Was the "Aura Guardian" lying? I mean, did he falsely claim himself as an Aura Guardian to get on Sun's good side? It's possible!

Third: What'll happen in the next chapter when Sun and Lillie are left alone? What sort of trouble will they get themselves into?

And fourth: What happened to Premiere and Sun during their battle with Nebby? What caused Sun's clothes to change and Premiere to undergo a form change? Will we find out?

Find out next time, in Blooming!

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