Battle for Supremecy

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I gave my Venasuar a very special item. She purred with delight and charged at the Charizard, causing it to faint in one blow. The MewTwo was obviously shocked.

"How did you do that?!"

I continued to smirk and climbed onto my second partner's back. My first is Cynder, my male level 100 Typhlosion.

"Alrighty, Ivy! Let's do this, TOGETHER!"

Green vines crawled up from the ground and covered us, masking what was going on. Inside of the cocoon, we transformed into what I've dubbed our "Unison Forme".

With a shout of defiance, we bursted out of the cocoon, sending everyone flying back. I heard Lillie and the boy gasp and  I noticed that Sun somehow took a direct hit, rendering him unconscious.

That's fine. Let's up the ante, shall we, Ivy?

She chuckled. We can beat it alone.

As much as I hate to disagree, we can't. BUT we can if the others eliminate its guards.

Going after the master, are we? That sounds so much better.

With a smirk, I grabbed all my Pokeballs as well as Sun's. Lazily fanning them, I yawned "go".

The ten balls popped open and revealed our teams. They charged the Twos and Ivy charged at MewTwo itself, with me still on her back. The Kantonian Legendary tried to freeze us, but we charged right through the Psychic attack.

"Nice try, but we can't be stopped. Good night."

We stopped on a dime and began to preform the Grass Pledge.

"I pledge of allegiance, to the flag of the united grass of Pokemon, and to the Republic for which it stands, one environment under Arceus, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

(A/N! People from the US should get that!)

My other Pokemon did the Fire and Water Pledge, creating a massive explosion, fainting all but my Pokemon and MewTwo. It back into a corner as Ivy moved in for the finishing blow. Ivy began to swing, but spun around last second to swat an Aura Sphere away. We let out a unique blast of energy out that tracked MewTwo as it sprinted around the stadium, trying to escape it.

The ball hit MewTwo and the artificial Pokemon was sent flying into the wall. Stars were in its eyes and I tossed a Pokeball at it, certain it'll work. There was a click, then chuckling, then maniacal laughter. I spun around to see Giovanni holding the MewTwo's ball.

"Why, you ignorant fool, thank you! Now, I can rule ALL of POKEMON! Mwahahahahahahahahaha!"

The ball shook, like the MewTwo inside was trying to get out. Giovanni covered the ball and stuffed it in his pocket. He then got control of his laughter and pointed at me.

"Capture him. Take his son and his friends hostage as well. Be rude about it."

Several Admins appeared from the shadows and restrained me. They stole our balls and forced our Pokemon to return, then get taken away. As soon as Ivy was taken away from me, I loss the strength to fight back.


Gold.... We'll always be with you....

An Admin walked over to me with a dripping cloth. I sighed, then looked them in the eyes.

"Why don't you slam that big ol' boot of yours into my face and get it over with that much easier?"

He chuckled, then did exactly that. My world flashed black, but there was a light in the far-off distance.

Warrior.... Come....

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