Back in Action

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My fellow Champions gazed at me, stunned. I knew what was going through their minds. They're... real?

I nodded. "We're real, alright. Any questions?"

Ash nodded. "Why didn't you tell anyone? Does your wife know?"

I chuckled, as did my fellow Ghosts. "Oh yeah, she most certainly does. We actually met after a successful raid on our base years before Sun was born. She was a simple logistics worker, scared for her life, and I was the Ghost commander on base when we got hit. My fellow Ghosts were captured with me, but we planned for that. What they," I waved at my old team, "didn't expect was to find a scared woman that their 'ghostly commander' cared about. We were the only souls to leave that base that day."

Cynthia grinned slightly. "Another ghost story?"

"Shut up. Anyways, Rose and I met up with some help from a certain joker that I know..." I glared at Joker.

He gulped and sat down.

Lance crossed his arms. "What happened to your military career, Gold?"

I smiled, my mind reflecting back on Sun. "Fatherhood, that's what. I chose to put down my rifle and pick up a ball. Yes, I continue to fight, but I fight for a seat and title, not my life. I... kinda like it, you know?"

Silver (yes, that Silver. The one who used to be my rival) nodded. "I know what you mean. I like my civ job, being a consular to troubled children. Makes sense with my past."

Us Ghosts shared about our civ jobs and I face-palmed when Joker said he was an astronaut.

"Dude, I don't believe you. At. All."

He dug for something in his pocket. "Suspicious? I can prove it! Bam!" He held out an actual license from his pocket.

We all stared at him. "Holy fuck..."

We all laughed, then I got up to talk to the pilot. Slipping on a headset, I was able to hear him.

"Something wrong, Corporal?"

"Negative. Where we landing?"

"Abandoned town, about thirty klicks out. ETA 1 hour."

I nodded. "Copy. Good skys."

I walked back into the troop hold. Everyone looked at me.

Silver looked up at me while in the middle of cleaning his sidearm. "What's up, boss?"

"ETA 1 hour. Thirty klicks out."

My Ghosts nodded, then Ash asked a decent question. "Where are we landing?"

"Abandoned town. I want all Ghosts to check and clear, though. Never know what tangos might do."

Sliver nodded. "Or Pokémon. I recommend all Champions getting their Pokémon ready, too."

"Pika!" Ash's Pikachu let off a burst of electricity on accident.

It hit a fuse box and the pilot chuckled. "Thanks, Pikachu! Can you use a full power Thunderbolt on the fusebox? It'll give us enough juice to perform an emergence airvac, if need be."

Pikachu lept off Ash's shoulder. "Pika-chuuuuuu!!!!!!"

The thunderbolt landed right on target and the lights brightened. We all chuckled, then I sat on the edge of the door, with my legs hanging out. Silver sat next to me.

"Thinking about her?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm worried about my son and his friend. We got separated while running through a jungle to escape pursuers. I saw them run across a bridge, but I don't know if they made it across..."

Silver wrapped an arm around me. "Don't worry. He's not caught. If he was, we would know."

I smiled, then watched as a town formed on the horizon. Man did that Thunderbolt do wonders.

I checked in with the Pilot, then shouted at my team. "Get off your asses! LZ coming up! We're rappelling down to check!"

They saluted, then got the harnesses ready. I primed my rifle, then got hooked up.

Back in the swing.



Gladion thought for a long time. "Kiss my sister."

We looked at him, shocked, and he grinned at me.

"Gunna chicken out, Sun?"

I steeled my gaze. "No. Lillie, come here."

She giggled nervously and I kissed her on the cheek. Gladion smirked at me.

"The rule is on the lips."

I groaned. "Fine." I gave her a quick kiss to the lips.

Everyone around us laughed and I went to spin the bottle when the wind suddenly picked up and a shadow covered us. Listening closely, I heard a man shout "go go go!" and when I looked up, I saw men with ghost masks rappelling down towards us. We bolted to our feet, shocked.

The men touched down and looked at us, rifles crossed across their chests. One of them was 't looking at us and instead was looking at the town.

"This could be a nice base of operations."

One of the soldiers grabbed his shoulder. "Sir? You may want to look behind you."

He turned around and saw us. The man chuckled, then took hold of his mask. "Well then. This sure is a surprise."

I looked at him, awe in my voice. "Are you... a Ghost?"

A soldier with red hair looked at me. "Try the Ghost."

I gasped. My mom had talked abut THE Ghost! He was the best of the best and took shit from nobody! "Wait, WHAT?!?"

Ghost looked at me. He let his rifle hang from his hip and knelt down to look me in the eyes. His were grey, just like mine. "Son, tell me. What is your favorite tale?"

I racked my brain a little. "Well, it has to be this story my dad heard while he was serving in the army. It was a rumor about the story behind the Ghosts."

Ghost closed his eyes, reliving a part of his life. "That story... I remember that story... How could I not? I was one of the fifteen to have destroyed that enemy army."

I gasped. "You're lying!"

He smiled. "I never lie, kid." He then rose to his full height and gazed south-ward. I managed to hear him say "I wonder how Rose is doing" under his breath.

I glared at him. "How do you know my mom?!?"

He smiled and looked at me. "Nice ears, kid. And I know your mom because," he reached up and took off his mask, "I'm married to her."

I was gazing at my own father.

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